Day 1: part 2

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"Whats wrong Newt"

" um... Gally is fighting with Minho again"

"Those shuckfaces" i mumbled rushing out of my room.

I sped down the stairs to the first floor to see all the boys in a tight group surrounding Gally and Minho. Gally had Minho in a head lock and was grinning like a Cheshire cat. Minho was gasping for air but still holding his pride and not giving up.

  " What you gonna do Shank! Call for your mommy!"
  Then Minho got a straight aim at Gally's down there, where the sun don't shine, if you know what i mean and drew back his hand and the next thing, Gally was on the ground clutching his balls in pain. I laughed out loud went over to Minho side.

  " Nice one!" I fist bumped Minho's fist and walked over to Newt who was still shaking  in the corner.

  " So is that what you called me up so early for? Minho is fine!" I gave him the -_- face and left.

  "Oh Minho called you down to watch the fight i just delivered the message." He looked at me apologetically.

  "Its okay Newt nothing to be afraid of i am just messing with you" I spoke gently, not wanting to frighten the already broken boy.

  "Oh o wanted to tell you that we are getting a new greenie. I overheard the "keepers",its what we call the people running the place as its not really a hospital or an asylum, talking about him."
Him. Another boy yayyyy. Sense my sarcasm? I have no idea why they just put one girl in the middle of dozens of guys. There must not be a girls dorm as it is situated in a small village and this place is for trouble makers and people who have problems with bullies, Newt. I am not a trouble maker, maybe just a bit because i am in a place full of them ;), i have my own reasons...

Flashback ( third person)

  Nathalia walks through the hospital, where she is an intern. Its a small community hospital inside a small village called The Scorch. Its a weird name to call a village that when it is filled with greenery. While walking, she thinks back on the person's life she has saved today and smiled. She knows what she is.

  She is a healer. She read up on them a little and discovered that some people back in the ancient time has this special powers. She hasn't mastered them yet, unlike her grandmother who used to work with her when she was young and taught her the ropes. Today, she was learning with an asshole of a doctor, Doctor Stefan. He thinks that he is so good just because he went to Yale to study and came back to this small village 'to help the people here' -_- thinking about him just makes Nathalia roll her eyes.
She showed it to him when a patient came in and he couldn't diagnose the problems. She tapped into her powers and saw that the patient had a hairline fracture in his skull. Working quickly, his team start surgery and found out that she was right and saved the man's life. She tried not to use her powers too much as they take a toll on her mind. She grows tried and depressed but seeing the person healthy and happy again makes her happy.

  When she was just a few houses away from her house, she saw a puppy on the road side. Its golden fur coated with blood and its body was limp. She quickly ran towards it and gently lifted the puppy. Its brown eyes stared at her, pleading for one last chance in life. She couldn't resist and acted on impulse. She rested her hand on the puppy's body and concentrated. Then she felt the warmth and joy, saw the golden waves of the magic. She felt the health rush back into the puppy and it stirred around in her arms.

  After making sure the puppy was totally fine, she made her way to her house, not noticing that the puppy was following hot on her heels. Reaching her house, she opened the door and jumped when she felt the soft fur of the puppy brush against her leg. She giggled and picked him up. Awwwww!!! She thought to herself and saw its puppy dog eyes and her heart melted.
That night, her father got drunk again and started to hit her. Again and again and again. She was used to the harsh hits and didn't retaliate. But the puppy stood in the way and her father kicked it. Shocked, she ran over to the puppy and see if it was hurt.
"I will not have witches inside my house!
Especially with that mutt!" His harsh words hit her straight in the heart even though she didn't regard him as her father anymore.
Running to her room, she packed all her belongings into a duffel bag, picked up the puppy and ran. She didnt stop. Even hearing her father's loud chuckle and shouts. She ran a few blocks down and towards her school. Then it dawned on her. She had nowhere to go. Sighing, she decided to sleep on a bench near the park.
The rest of her free days, she spent in on that bench, in school until they kicked her out for not paying the school fees and in the hospital. Her friends at the hospital notices her change in behaviour and her tired stature. They kept asking if she was okay but never persist when she pushed them away. Her sleepless nights and magic caught up with her and she passed out in the hospital one day. She was then diagnosed with depression and other things that she doesnt under stand and got sent to Flaretonia Helping Hands where she made new friends and got a new reputation.

End of flashback

So how was it? Its a long chapter and i really hope you enjoyed it :)
Now Go Be Beautiful, muah.

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