Chapter 1: The first and second day of judgement

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Third person's POV

Every person that will be judge must wait. Their first and last rule is one person at a time.

Many of the adults had finish the trial 1. Some are dead, some are not. Well after the obstacles, if they will live?, they will go to the other door to continue their trial 2 for the next day. The trial 2 Is by partner

An hour had passed when they call her .....

Athena's POV

"Athena Lee" they call me. I had this feeling that this will be an easy test. Keeping in mind my trainings and hard works for this. I must survive and I will survive.

I walk into the hallway and had saw the door wherein there is a word marked as "trial 1". I open it and a lot of weapons approach me. I pick the bow that is made up of strong metal. I also look for the arrow that is made up of metal and sharp blade.

I approach to the door where you can see a red arrow. This must be my obstacle door. I threw a deep sigh before going in.

To my surprise, the place is a hologram. Then suddenly I hear a screeching at my back and before it could kill me, I shoot it. Everyone know that a hologram can kill a person. I had heard of it to my uncle.

Another one is above me but I also hit it. The next 5 seconds, three holograms appeared. The first one is near me, the second one is behind me and the third one is above me.

Well of course I attack the hologram near me then behind me and after that I kill the one above me. I'm exhausted. I think I need food.

After a while, a chocolate cake appeared with a fork. I took the fork and ate a slice of it then suddenly I hear something. I immediately duck and saw the big sword that almost got me. That was close I said in my mind.

After that I went to the door near me. I open it and saw the survivors of this trial. Maybe they are 20 at least. Yeah piece of cake...

I sit at the bench while waiting for the other survivors. So as you can see, I don't talk to the others. I don't want friends. Friends can be the hindrance to my goals.

If you ask how did I got this awesome skill. Well I train as always. I wake up early and went to the arena to train. My favorite weapon is the bow. I really like it especially if my weapon has some poisons hahahaha.

I'm just a typical person who love to fight and kill. But I kill for a reason. I always wear black suits like black jeans, Black T-shirt and also black jackets. My shoes are also black but I prefer the black boots.

Maybe you think that I am boyish but this is my thing. I like this because I could sneak out at night. Besides black is cool right? :)

Back on the reality. Many had pass the trials. People rejoice. They had gave us foods for the celebration because we survive it. I just eat what I need for the day and left.

I went to my bed and sleep. I've done a lot of things today and it really sucks.
Suddenly I felt the sleepiness and close my eyes.....

The next day came, and they woke us up to introduced who will be our partners.

"Stephen and Thomas..... Trim and Anthony..... Grace and Mandy..... ......... .... And lastly Tiffany and Athena" so yeah my partner is a girl. I think our weapons yesterday is the one we will used for today. I remember yesterday that her weapon is an axe.... Very clever.

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