Death doesn't scare me

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Death doesn't scare me
It doesn't make me want to flee
It doesn't scare me,death
Or how I wont take another breath
Death itself doesn't put fear in me
But what dose scare me,
I will explain so you can see

You see I know my fate
Every time I ate,
Every time I loss and gained weight,
Every time I felt hate,
I knew how it would happen

It scares me shitless
How I won't have a witness
To the pain I feel
And can't heal.

I was angry, sad and pissed
That I slit my own wrist!

I hate her this girl
And her pearl
She doesn't think we know
She doesn't think it shows
But I'll kill that girl
Her life will end in a swirl

But as I realize that girl I hate so much
Is me, and I couldn't even stand a light touch

But death doesn't scare me
It doesn't make me want to flee
But oh,I'm scared so scared
But what of?
I'm scared of me...

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