chapter three

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My eyes were closed tightly together like someone had smeared glue into my eye lids. There was a constant beeping sound that went with my beating heart, and my arms and legs felt like it was huge blocks of concrete that was slowly sinking deeper into this foamy object. Forcing my eyes to sled some light to my dark surrounding and figure out what had happened to me and where i was. Light had glowed bright into my pupils that were trying to adjusted to the lighting that engulfed me. When my eyes finally adjusted I saw a small television hanging on a platform on the wall, to my left there was one on those IV bags that lead to the needle in the crease of my arm. All around me the walls were painted white and it was really depressing and reminded me of one of those padded white rooms for those mentally not stable people.

"Oh hello Ashley, I didn't expect you to be awake so soon" A women walked through the door to the right of me, wearing a Micky the mouse scrubs and white baggy pants. She walked over to the machine that was mimicking my heartbeat and seemed to just check to see if everything was going smoothly.

After a brief silence she finally spoke again seeing as i wasn't going to.

"So how are you feeling ?" she asked still looking at the tall gray machine.

"Fi-" My voice cracked and was filled with a sudden pain that I didn't notice before. The women turned around with concern in her eyes then it widened with realization and her mouth was in the shape of an "o".

"Sorry sweetheart, I forgot to tell you that your throat might hurt a bit after the force that was put on it." An image of my father lunging himself on top of my porcelain body compared to his giant beast-like structure, squeezing my last bit of air from my lungs and holding my neck tight enough that not even a sliver of air could slip through. Even the thought about it made me stop breathing then I heard the machine that was going with my heart slow down in pace. The women looked at the screen and then back at me placing her small tan hand on my white as snow bruised one trying to some how help me.

"don't think about it honey... he is far gone and you'll be put in a better place for the mean time till you're 18." My eyes widened and my heart started pounding so fast that the zig zag lines on the screen went all the way up and barely all the way down before shooting up again. "WHERE AM I GOING ?" " HONEY CALM DOWN ITS GOING TO BE FINE." she push me back down when I shot up in the hospital bed pulling the rough white sheets off me ready to run from this place before they could take me any where that I had no whereabouts.

Taking a couple deep breaths ignoring the fact that it enhanced the throbbing pain in my throat. Letting her lay me back down onto the rough bed once again i closed my eyes to imagine a better life for myself that included me getting the hell away from this hospital and my father for good. After a couple of second i was pulled back into the darkness of my mind.


My arm was lightly pushed side by side and the sound of someones breathing reassured me that someone was trying to wake me up from my dreamless sleep.

Not wanting to face another person in what i felt was a short period of time I rolled over and pretended to be deep in sleep, But they were persistent and continued to shake my arm. Having no other choice I opened my heavy eye lids and was met with the same lady as before but in a different attire meaning it hasn't been a couple hours since closing my eyes and drifting off. She gave me a warming smile and looked past me to the door waving her hand in a signal to come over. A man that looked to be around my fathers age walked over to the lady's side and smiled at me showing all of his teeth.

"Hello there daring" He had a slight country accent.

Returning the welcome with a smile unsure that my throat would let me utter another word ever again.

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