Wristwatch and Sneakers

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ANDRE'S phone vibrated for a morning alarm a few seconds after he actually got up. It was early in the morning and the shade of the sky was still quite dark. Andre was no early-riser but he felt the need to be one just for the day. Perhaps.

He checked on his brother to see if he was awake. Michael's smooth white skin shone in the last glimmers of moonlight which managed to pass through the loosely draped windows and his eyes were still closed.

Good, Andre thought. Michael won't see me.

He took a shower and got ready for school. He rummaged through his clothes and looked for his best ones. He searched and searched for a set that wasn't too loose or too tight. His shirt and pants were supposed to complement each other. It had to improve his appearance even at the very least. He combed his hair a lot of ways and tried to keep each strand in place. Nothing seemed to work so he settled for his usual hairdo. He borrowed one of Michael's watches and a pair of sneakers.

Was he vain? No. Was he hungry for attention? No. Was he picky with clothes? Definitely not. He looked at the mirror and sighed. He knew the clothes wouldn't make much of a difference but he guessed he ought to try anyway. He left a Post-It note on his brother's desk about the borrowed watch and sneakers. He checked on his brother again. Michael was still asleep. The first rays of dawn rested on his face and revealed dried tears. Andre drew in a deep breath and exhaled. He remembered his mother and prayed that everything would turn out fine.

As he went downstairs, his mother had just finished setting up for breakfast. A huge smile was on his mother's face as if she just finished laughing at a funny scene of a sitcom. Andre felt a pit in his stomach. He felt guilty for thinking too much of himself and felt sorry for his mother. She was surprised to see Andre so early in the morning and in quite a new outfit.

"What's with the get-up, Dre?" the mother mused. "Got a date?"

Date? Andre thought. That was the last thing on his mind.

"No," he said. "Besides, I can dress nice on a normal school day, can't I?"

"Okay, Andre, you win," the mother laughed.

"So what's for breakfast?" Andre rubbed his hands together in anticipation.

"Just some toast and sunny side-up," announced the mother as she set down a plate of toasted bread and another of sunny side-up eggs.

"Great," said Andre. "I'm biking to school with Henry today so I'll need a quick meal."

"Don't forget to pass by Mrs. Thumbwell's to get your plant," said the mother.

"Already got it. Mrs. Thumbwell and the Holligers live on the same block, mom," Andre reminded. "I already asked Henry to borrow me one."

Andre dipped his toast into the egg yolk and crunched quickly. Then he put the whites on another toast and stood to leave.

"Bye, mom," said he, toast in hand.

"Be careful," said the mother.

As if Andre would. The youngest Further sped on his bicycle to Henry Holliger's house. Henry was Andre's cycling buddy. His build was slender and his complexion pale. He had blue gray eyes and slick jet black hair that he always brushed up. He had been waiting for Andre for quite some time but didn't quite expect what met his eyes.

"Nice costume, Further," Henry teased. "Sneakers stepped on yet?"

"Don't even think about it," Andre warned. "These are my brother's."

"Whatever," said Henry.

"Wanna race?" Andre challenged.

"Dude, it's too early in the morning to die in a freak accident. We have to be careful," Henry noted.

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