Chapter 1 - Lukas / Emil

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There was a soft knock on the door of Lukas' bedroom. Then a voice called out, "Master Lukas, it is time for you to wake up." The voice belonged to one of the many maids of the household.

The maid slowly opened the door and peered in, there on the king sized bed in the room, was the still sleeping Norwegian boy, Lukas. The maid made her way over to the bed, and slowly shook the boy awake.

"Master Lukas, you have school today."

Lukas slowly opened his eyes and sat up. He could have gotten an alarm clock to wake him up, but he perfers to have people wake him up.

"Would you like me to bring you your breakfast?" The maid asked.

"Yes." Lukas replied, still very sleepy. The maid then left to retrieve Lukas' breakfast. A short time later the maid returned bringing with her a large platter of food. The maid walked over to the bed and set the platter down next to Lukas.

"Thank you. You may go now." Lukas said, shooing the maid away.

"Yes, Master Lukas." The maid said before leaving Lukas' bedroom.

After finishing his meal, Lukas got out of bed, streached, then rang for his butler to help him get ready.


On the floor above Lukas' room, was another bedroom, this one being occupied by a small Icelandic boy. The loud and annoying beeping of an alarm clock awoke the young boy. The boy, Emil, groaned before turning over and pressed a button, shutting up the alarm clock. Emil sat up then rang for a servant, signaling he was awake and needed his breakfast.

Shortly, Emil heard a knock on his door and a maid say, "Master Emil, I have brought you your breakfast."

"You may enter." Emil called to the maid.

The door opened and the maid entered carring a plate of food. She walked over and placed it on the table beside Emil's bed.

"Thank you." Emil told the maid. The maid smiled, then turned around to leave, having completed her job.

"Wait." Emil said as the maid was nearing the door. The maid turned back around, facing Emil. "Please send my butler up here to help me dress."

"Yes, Master. I shall do so right away." She then left, leaving Emil alone in his room.

Presently, Emil's butler came and helped Emil get ready for the day.

-time skip brought to you by Norway's hair clip (aka phone)-

The two brothers met each other in the by the main entryway.

"Good morning, little brother." Lukas said, upon seeing Emil.

"Good morning," Emil mumbled.

A servant came in and asked, "Would you like me to bring a car around to take you to school?"

"No thank you," Lukas replied. "I shall be driving us to school today."

Lukas walked outside and over to the garage to get the car, closely followed by Emil.

"Which car shall we take today?" Lukas asked Emil, guesturing to four very expensive cars.

"Uhh. That one." Emil pointing to a dark blue car.

"Okay," Lukas grabbed the keys for that car and got in the driver's seat, with Emil in the passenger's seat. Once they were buckled in, Lukas started the car and started to drive to their highschool.


//yes the first chapter is done! Sorry for it being so short >~< I will try to make the other chapters longer.

Sorry if I make them out of character. I will try not to...

Also in the next chapters I will try to get into more of the characters' thoughts, and hopefully a lot more speaking. 

Anyway this is my first time attempting to write in a 3rd pov sooo...........

Please tell me what you think, and anything that I should changed to improve my story!

Until the next chapter!! Farewell!!!

(Update: sorry you all had to read that. Chapers do get longer, and I think I improved with my writing as it went on, so yeah... I'll try to edit everything once I finish the book)//

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