Chapter 9 - Lukas

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So after a night of hardly any sleep (being in a new place and all) it was Monday morning aka the start of the school week, and my first day at this new school. Matthias had an alarm clock set, so I woke up to the loud, annoying beeping of the alarm. What a lovely thing to wake up to. My covers were warm and I was comfy and tired and I really did not want to get out of bed, but I also didn't want to be late on my first day. Matthias turned off the alarm and got up. I stretched then threw off my covers before sitting up, still extremly tired.

"Good morning, Lukas!" The cheerful voice of a certain Dane said.

"Morning." I said not looking at Matthias. Slowly I stood up and stretched again. I looked over at Matthias and he was in the middle of changing! We have only met each other for a day and he was changing right in front of me! I could feel myself starting to blush, so I turned away. Without looking at Matthias, I made my way over to my clothes to pick out my outfit fo the day. It was weird being able to pick whatever I wanted to wear to school because I am used to wearing a uniform. After settling on an outfit, I took it with me to the bathroom to change. I don't care what Matthias does, I will not change my clothes in front of someone I barely know. Once I was in the bathroom I looked down at my clothing choice and started to think about it. Compared to what everyone else would be wearing, my clothes might seem a little fancy. I didn't particulary want to stick out, but I it didn't even cross my mind to buy less fancy clothes, and this is all I have. I sighed and began to change. A thought then occured to me: this is really the first time I haven't had my butler to help me dress. Oh well, I can dress myself. I don't need help. I started out doing fine, I had succesfully gotten my pants and undershirt on. Next I started to put on my button-up shirt. I had some trouble getting the buttons on the wrist to button, but eventually I got it, I quickly buttoned up the rest of the buttons. I didn't want to make Matthias wait. Next was the tie. Oh the dreadful tie. I relized I had no idea how one is supposed to tia a tie because my butler would always do it for me. After a few failed attempts I gave up on it. Thinking that I have spent enough time in the bathroom I grabbed my tie and jacket (which I was going to put on later) and headed back to my room. In the hallway I met Matthias.

"Hey Lukas!" Matthias smiled at me.


"Hey, um, Lukas, your buttons are off..." I looked down and sure enough they were. I had been in a hurry to finish, that I hadn't even noticed. I felt myself going red. I set my jacket and tie down and I began to unbutton my shirt to rebutton it correctly.

"Here let me help you." Matthias said.

"I don't ne-," I stopped talking when Matthias grabbed my hands and lowered then to my sides, then started unbuttoning my shirt. I started blushing even more.

"Hey Matth- MATTHIAS!" Matthias and I both jumped and look down the hall towards Mr. Køhler, who was walking towards us. "Why are you unbuttoning Lukas' shirt?!"

"He had just buttoned his shirt the wrong way, so I was fixing it! That's all." Oh my gosh could this get any worse???

"Then why is Lukas, over here, blushing a dark red?" It got worse.

"Dad! It was probably from your exclamation!"

"Well anyway, your mom has made breakfast for you two, so whenever you are ready you can come upstairs and eat it. Also you don't have a whole lot of time before you have to leave for school." Mr. Køhler turned away and headed back upstairs.

"Lukas, I'm sorry." Matthias said turning towards me. I didn't answer. Instead I picked up my jacket and tie and headed into the room, fixing my buttons on my own. Matthias came in behind me and he sat on his bed, staring at me.

"Could you not stare at me?" 

"You know, you don't have to dress up to go to school. You can wear normal clothes."

"These are my everyday clothes. I'm not dressing up. I had forgotten to get clothes that would seem 'normal' to you."

"You should have told me! We could have bought clothes when we were out yesterday."

"I just told you, I forgot. I only just remembered today. Idiot."

"Oh! Well if you want, you can wear some of my clothes!"

"No. I'll be fine."

"Please? Let me do this. It will help me make up for what my dad did."

"Well hurry up. We have to leave soon." Matthias sprung up from his bed and over to his dresser. He tried to find something that was a little small for him, so it would be able to fit me better than the clothes he currently wears. After quickly finding an outfit he hands the clothes to me and I rush to the bathroom and change as fast as I can. Once I am done, Matthias and I grab our bookbags with our school supplies and we run upstairs.

"Good morning." Mrs. Køhler says to us once we arrive in the kitchen.

"Good morning." We say.

"I'm afraid you will have to take your breakfast with you and eat it in the car. I will be driving you today because I have to go into work."

"Okay mom." Matthias and I grab our breakfast and we head out to the car, with Mrs. Køhler following behind us. We get in the car and start driving towards the school. Once we arrive Mrs. Køhler says, "Just so you know I might be a little late picking you up. Have a great day!" 

"Thank you for driving us, Mrs. Køhler." I tell her.

"Oh no problem, Lukas. Bye guys!"

"Bye." Matthias and I say in usion. We turn around and face the school. There were tons of people around us. This is it. My very first day at a public school. I take in a deep breath.

"I feel like I am back in my middle school days, when my mom used to always drop me off at school." Way to ruin the moment Matthias.


//finished at 2:07am.......

okay so you know the whole part with lukas wearing matthias' clothes? well that was the whole reason i had delayed lukas in arriving at matthias' house because i wanted really wanted him to wear his clothes on a school day, and i didn't want him to have time to but new clothes..... though i imagined the chapter a whole lot more different. 

good job being the awkward dad, mr. køhler. awkward dad award 2K15. though i feel like he would be pretty cool with lukas and matthias being together, and wouldn't really care what they did, but in this chapter i think he was just kinda surprized seeing matthias doing something like that, since they have only just met, and stuff....

oh my gosh! this story has 750 reads and 100 votes!!!!!! i am super happy right now!!!! thank you all who read/vote/comment on my story!!! it really means a lot to me ^-^

now this person is super tired and needs to got to bed, soooo hopefully you enjoyed this chapter and will enjoy the chapters to come «(^v^)» //

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