Chapter one: Late again {"8:30 means 8:30! Be on time tomorrow!"}

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                     On the morning of a huge math quiz, I woke up at Justin’s desk. I had the same dream as I’ve had for the last month again last night. Justin’s voice called upstairs. “Sue! We’re going to be late for school!” Justin called. This was before I knew he was a vampire. I slept over at his place after a late night study session for a math quiz today. We had been cramming for a week. For some reason, I’ve been having the same dream over and over again since the day I met Justin when school started last month. I think that this dream is trying to tell me something, I just don’t know what it's trying tell me exactly.

“I’m up, I’m up!” I called. I grabbed my bag and ran down the stairs. Mr. D handed me and Justin a warm piece of toast as we rushed out the door. The bus was waiting for us. “8:30 means 8:30! I’m not going to hold the bus for you two every morning!  Be on time tomorrow!” The bus driver yelled. We both ignored him and took our same seats. “Man, Sue, this test is going to be a nightmare! How are you feeling, by the way? Are you still having the same nightmare?” Justin asked softly. “Yeah, I’m going insane. I feel like it’s trying to tell me something, but what?” It’s the same thing overand over again. I’m standing in the middle of the forest when I hear a voice in my ear, asking me if I was afraid. And I said I’m only afraid of losing him. The strange thing is, the voice sounded like Justin’s. Why is Justin’s voice in my dream? Why am I dreaming of Justin? “Are you sure you don’t want to tell me what your dream is about?” No! “What? No! I mean, ah, you really don’t want to know. It’s a really stupid dream, nothing really important.” I laughed and waved it off as nothing. How much longer can I put this off?

I can’t hide this forever. He’s getting worried and I hate to worry him like this. We were going on a shopping trip for the camping trip to Seattle in two weeks after school. I was glad that we were. I didn’t feel like going home, not where my psycho older sister and my control-freak-of-a-mother could be arguing over who-knows-what again. I hate staying at my place. I mean, how on earth are you suppose to study for a huge test that is worth 98 percent of your grade when your psycho sister, control-freak-of-a-mother and workaholic-of-a-father-who-is-rarely-home argue over grades, her boyfriends, (who are insane), them wanting her to go to a close-to-home collage while she wants to go to a out-of-state collage and so on. This is why I am rarely home, too.

Chapter 2 TOMORROW!



Venus -NewMoon07-

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