Chapter 3: Field Trip {"Yes, I am free!"}

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            Two weeks passed and the trip day showed up. The minute my parents and sister, with ‘you’re-so-lucky’ look, were gone. I was with Justin, Lu-Lu (Lucinda) and Mel. “Yes! I am free!” I was so happy that I hugged Justin without thinking. I gasped and released him, blush covering my ivory cheeks. “Oops. Sorry.” He smiled and I felt my heart skip. Then he burst out laughing, causing Mel and Lu-Lu to start laughing. “Why are laughing at me?!” My eyes started to prick, which meant I was going to cry any minute. This happened every time I got mad. For some reason, my temper is linked with my tears. I don’t know why. “I’m sorry, Sue. It’s funny seeing your cheeks blush like that. It gives your ivory skin some color.” He reached up and lightly touched my cheek, rising goose bumps on it from his cold skin. Wait, cold skin?! That’s not possible! His hand fell from my cheek and he could see I was in shock. “I’ll see you on the bus.” He walked off, looking like an angel. The shock had caused the tears to stop in their tracks. I could hear Mel and Lu-Lu talking and them pulling me towards the bus, but I was having an out-of-body experience to hear or feel anything. I snapped out of it when the bus started up.

                   I was in the middle of the forest again, and I could hear Justin’s voice in my ear. At first, I couldn’t tell what he was saying. “Are you afraid?” I froze, fear racing through my veins like iced water. No! Not again! Why can’t this nightmare go away? “I’m only afraid of losing you.” Fear covered my words, sending the iced water through my veins again. This has to end, now. This was never going to end, was it? Now!  I tried to cover my ears, to block out his words and mine, but my arms wouldn’t move. My body won’t listen to me. Then a new voice entered my dream. “Sue? Sue!” I woke with a jerk. My head was against the cold window, but it was covered in sweat. I sat up, confused for a second. I twisted towards Mel, for that was her voice I heard. “Are you all right?” What should I tell her? “I’m fine, really. You just scared me, that’s all. Where are we?” Please say we’re at the campgrounds. “We’re almost to the campgrounds. I’m so happy! You know what this means, right? No parents, no rules, no annoying siblings and no work! Just us, the teachers, and all the boys in the school! Trip confessions! Who knows? You and Justin might be the first trip confession?” I froze, ice water ripping through my veins like a riptide at sundown. “Ha!  Like that would ever happen. You know me and Justin are friends.” A smile broke across her face. “A girl can dream, can’t she?” Would that happen? Would we be the first trip couple? “Yea, she can. But most dreams fall and shatter, right, Mel? How many of your dreams shattered?” She punched me in the arm. “Don’t remind me, Sue. How many dreams of yours shattered? Huh? You don’t know, do you?” I hate when we fight. Most of our fights were so bad we didn’t talk for weeks until we get fed up with it, and make up. Please don’t be one of these fights. “Mel, I’m sorry. I just don’t think me and Justin will ever be something. I just don’t think my heart could take it, you know? One too many times my heart has been broken, you know? It will never work.” A smile broke out across her face again.

          It was sunset when the bus pulled into the campgrounds. It was so pretty. I wish we could stay forever and never leave. “Yes! We’re free! Oh, the sunset is pretty! What the…?” Two hands covered my eyes and I was twisted around. “Not as pretty as a specific someone I know.” I smiled. “Whatever. Let go!” I struggled against him and he let go of me. That was weird. “Sue! Sue!” I spun to find Mel running towards me. “You, me and Lu-Lu are in the same cabin!” I couldn’t help grinning. “Yes!!! Wait, you’ve got that look on your face. You’re hiding something from me. Mel… what’s going on?” She bit her lip before answering. “Cassie is in our cabin.” I felt my stomach drop. Cassie is and has been my enemy since 2nd grade, when I made her very mad. She was new to the school and was all preppy, a type of girl that held no interest for me. She was too perfect. She asked if I would be her friend but I said no and that girls like her are no interest to me. She said that she would get revenge on me. We’ve been like that ever since. “Oh, man. No. No. No! There has to be a mistake!” My happiness at being here disappeared like the setting sun. “No mistake. I checked with the HC before coming to tell you. I know how you feel. I hate her, too.”I gritted my teeth then winced in pain. “Who’s Cassie?” I jumped at Justin’s voice. “Oh, you never met Cassie. She’s evil and can trick anyone into doing anything for her. Guys have done things for her, only to get in trouble for it. Girls have gotten in trouble for things she’s done and she never got in trouble. Everybody thinks she’s an angel, but she’s a devil. I know the difference. She acts like an angel in front of her parents, teachers and every other adult figure in her life. Behind the scenes she is a bratty, better-than-thou, snobby little rich girl. Don’t go near her, Justin. Really, don’t. I don’t want to you fall for her and do something that you’ll regret later, knowing I didn’t stop or tell you about her.” A smart aleck laugh sparked behind us and I felt my anger boil in my veins as I turned. “Hello, Cassie. How are you?” She smirked and her eyes were dancing. “What’s up, Sissy?” I winced at my old nickname. “It’s great to see you, Cassandra.” She flinched and all color drained from her face. No one ever calls Cassie by her real name, not unless you want to die a social death. This one guy called Cassie by her real name and two days later a huge rumor spread around the school. The rest of his time here was spent with the ‘Wannabes’. At the end of the week, he transferred to Largo High and moved to Florida. No one has heard from him since, except me. Last I heard, he was getting married and leaving collage. He and my brother were friends, despite being two years apart in age. He’s treated me like a sister since we met. Anyway, she hates me, I hate her. I smirked at her. She’s knows can’t do anything to me, unless she wants me to reveal her darkest secret. “You want to die a social death?” Her eyes narrowed and fire burned in her eyes. “No, but unless you want me to tell everyone your little secret, I suggest you keep your mouth shut and not tell everyone some stupid and untrue rumor about me.” She flinched, and I knew I had her. She frowned and motioned for the Twins to follow her, but not without throwing a threat over her shoulder. “You better watch it, Sissy. I don’t go down without a fight.” I should’ve laughed at that, but there was venom in her voice, and that honestly scared me. Oh, the Twins are Maria and Mandy Sic, they’re twins and they dress the same. And they wear the same color, hot pink. Anyway, she walked off, all annoying looking, causing my blood to boil. “I can’t believe I have to share a cabin with her. This is so unfair! I’m going to talk the HC into putting me in a different cabin other than this one!” I stalked off towards the HC’s cabin. “Wait!” Mel grabbed my arm, stopping me in my tracks. “What?”  She released my arm and bit her lip really hard, tears forming in her eyes. “There’s nothing you can do, Sue. Once the cabins are picked, nothing can change it. Not even hate.” My anger flared. “No fair! So I’m stuck with Cassie!? Ugh!!!! At least we’ll be in the same cabin, so I’ll be fine. Why are you smirking at me, Justin?” Justin just smiled, my cheeks burning like crazy. “So, what is Cassie’s secret?” I smirked, looked around for Cassie and pulled my friends behind a tree. “I’ll tell you, but you have to promise me that tell anyone.” They smirked and held up their pinkies to pinky swear. We locked pinkies, said I swear, and high fived. It’s a promise we came up with when we became friends. I smiled, knowing they wouldn’t say a word. “Ok, Cassie’s secret happened back in 4th grade, a year before I met Mel and Lu-Lu, but two years before I met you....



What is Sue going to tell them about Cassie?

You'll have to wait and see!

Part 2 of Chap. 3 tomorrow!


Venus ~NewMoon07~

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