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This chapter might be short do to some homework. Also to mention I'm a young middle schooler so I might not update Mondays through Fridays from 8:00-4:00. Comments can be posted too.
BTW: Bold=Talking
Chloe's POV

Practice went great but when I was leaving I heard Scott and Stiles talking to Liam about how he was so energetic in the boys locker room. Then I heard Liam say something like have you ever even played this game before. I started to laugh a little. I tried to open the door but it was locked. I guess they wanted some privacy. So I headed off to my first period - Chemistry. When I walked around the corner I bumped straight into Lydia's face. "Sorry Lyds I wasn't paying attention to where I was going." "Hey Chlo it's okay I wasn't paying attention either I was kind of distracted because at the station I saw this really cute officer named Parrish and I can't stop thinking about him" Well I feel the same way about him but I wouldn't tell her that last time I told her I liked someone she told Sccott and he threatened to beat him up, so I'm keeping my mouth shut. "Well good luck paying attention in class speaking of the hell hole I gotta get to first period bye Lyds." "Bye Chloe" I headed off to class. Man hear comes hell.

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