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I walked into class and my teacher, I didn't know her name yet though, was writing something. I sat down in the back of the middle row. Mason was on my right, Garrett was in front of me, Violet was next to him in front of Mason, but no one was on my left. "Good morning class, my name is Mrs. Jasmine Petrov and I am your chemistry teacher this year. Okay I am going to start role call so if you hear your name say present." She looked around her desk for a moment looking for her clipboard. While she was distracted I leaned over to Mason and said "So do you know Liam's schedule?" "Ya he has Chemistry, Math, History, Language Arts, Spanish, then Gym," he replied. My eyes went wide, I quickly opened up my binder and found my schedule and checked... Chemistry... Math... History... LA... Spanish... Gym!! "Mason I have all classes with him!" "Lucky" he frowned. "Wait of his first period is chemistry where is he? I smirked. I guess Mrs. Petrov had already started calling role because I heard her say the name I get butterflies when I hear it. "Liam Dunbar" "Here, sorry I was late coach Flinstock held us back to tell us who made the team, and Chloe you made the team." He said while looking for a seat. He saw a seat that was free that turned out to be the seat to my left. He sat down and I whispered "Guess what!" "What!" He whispered/yelled. "We have all classes together, and I already knew I was on the team." I his eyes light up with happiness. He flash his bright smile. "Really" "Ya Mason told me your schedule and it was exactly like mine." Oh, Mason has Spanish, PE, and Chemistry with us of course." "Really that's it." I said disbelieved "Yup pretty depressing." "Ya." "Chloe Mccall" the teacher said. "Present." I replied. "Mason Nickel." "Present." After role call, class was free time due to the black out that I didn't know we had. Class was fun we talked and drew funny pictures. The day went fast and Liam and I walked into he cafeteria. We got our food and said goodbye and separated. I went to sit with my pack... Malia, Scott, Stiles, Kira, and Lydia. He went to sit with the jocks. "Hey Chloe who's your friend over there?" Kira said pointing Liam who was laughing with Garrett. "His name is Liam, he's new, just moved here from Davenport Prepatory Academy, Mason talks about him all the time." "You should him and Mason over here." She said. Malia is more familiar with Mason because she hangs around with me a lot (sometimes more than Stiles). "No!!!!" Both Scott and Stiles shouted. Everybody in the cafeteria including some teachers who were trying to watch us looked up. They both slotched (srry can't spell) down so no one knew it was them. "Why don't you want them to come over?" Asked Lydia. "Because they don't like Liam." I said. "Why?" Kira asked. "Because that sick baster was flirting with my little Chloe." Stiles said angrily. "Well then this is awkward." Stated Scott. The rest of lunch it was quite and classes went by quickly with Liam and sometimes Mason.

Here comes practice...

Lacrosse  Love (Liam Dunbar)Where stories live. Discover now