Chapter Fifteen

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You're at peace cause you know it's okay to be afraid.
~Mulan, from Mulan~

Butch's POV

Our eyes locked and I tried to fight back the pain coming from my stomach. His light blue eyes stared into my dark green eyes. It was a staring battle and I could tell that I was about to win.

"Why?" I asked as he raised his eyebrow at me.

"Mother says boys should be wearing pants not shorts." Jacob said as I scoffed and rolled my eyes.

"Please your mother doesn't know fashion then." I said as I pointed towards his sweatpants.

"There nice house wear, and suitable for mother." Jacob said as I snorted.

"Perfect for mother." I said as I crossed my eyes. "Why did you say those things about Buttercup?" I asked as he raised his eyebrow at me.

"I simply told the truth, Buttercup is a big girl. Let her fight her own fights." Jacob said as he about closed the door but I put my foot in the way and hissed as it popped.

"She is fighting her own fight that you put her through." I said as he raised his eyebrow and I opened the door and tried not to cry as my stomach went into a searing burning pain.

"Butch I only told the truth. Mother says th-."

"Enough about your fucking mother!" I yelled as he widened his blue eyes and rubbed my temples.

"Look I don't want to fight. I only want to know what you told Buttercup that day. Cause when she came back she wasn't her. She changed big time and I hate seeing her like that. Okay so Jacob just tell me." I said as he sighed and shook his head. I groaned and punched him in the face and we both fell on the ground.

He fell cause I punched him and maybe broke his nose. I fell cause I know for sure that I pulled out a stitch. I put my hand on my stomach and felt something wet, I brought my hand to my face and saw redness. I covered back my stomach up and looked over at Jacob who was crying.

"Are you alright?" I asked as I rip a piece of my shorts and pressed it against my stomach with a hiss. He looked at me and got up. He kicked me in the side and I yelped, but before he could get away I tripped him and heard a horrible crack. I looked up and saw Jacob holding his nose.

I stepped up and walked, well limped over to the car. I sat in the driver's seat and let my head fall back on the little cushion. I knew I should've taken it easy, but I was so pissed off and I knew my medicine was running low and it was about time for me to take my afternoon pills. I sighed and turned on the car and drove back to the hospital and got ready to be fussed out by Brick and get babied by Boomer.

Buttercup's POV

I sat on the bed and waited for my mom to pick me up. I knew she was gonna ask a bunch of questions but I can just tell a lie that I'm not feeling too well and she'll leave me alone.

I sighed and saw her walked in and I got up. I grabbed my jacket and slipped it over my shoulder and we walked to her car. I sat in the back and closed my eyes, I took a pretend nap while I listened to my mother sing and I slightly smiled at the good old days.

We stopped and I got up and ran out of the car and towards my room. I locked the door and slide against the door.

Green eyes invaded my mind. They stayed there, nothing else mattered. They was everywhere in the room and I couldn't breathe but at the same time I could smile. A true smile covered my face and I knew that I would be safe with his green eyes.

I finally snapped out of my trance and hard rocks being thrown at my window. I got up and walked over and saw Butch sitting in the tree. He smiled and I opened the window and he climbed in.

"B-butch?" I asked as he grabbed my hands.

"Jacob was lying whatever he said to you. You shouldn't believe him. I'm in serious pain, I mean why couldn't you live on the bottom floor, but it was worth it. But Buttercup you are worth so much more than you think you are." Butch said as tears flowed down my face.

"No I'm not." I said as he sighed and wiped away the tears and kissed my forehead.

"I will show you that you perfect than you think you are." Butch said as he wrapped his arms around me. "I promise." Butch whispered.

Heyyo Guys!!!!!

Wells I have some news!!! Good and bad!!! Okayys well this will have one more chapter then an epilogue! But I'll be posting another Butchercup book called Boxer Boy which will be happier and funny! So that will make up for it right?

Wells Byes Loves Y'alls!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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