Chapter 2

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Lucindas POV


May 5th

I wake up with a huge hangover. Grunting in pain I roll over making me fall off the bed I was in. Leaving me in a heap of white on the floor.  I finally get off my lazy ass and get up from my bed. I throw my brunette hair in a high ponytail, and put on my cheer uniform. I put on a thin layer of black eyeliner, then mascara. After, I put a light foundation on. Making me look healthier, and not so nasty.

I start brushing my teeth when my phone starts to ring on the sink. Looking over at it I see it is Kat calling me. I pick it up answering it, "Hello," I mumble out, still deprived from the lack of sleep I got last night.

"Happy birthday babe, since I am the bestest friend in the whole world. I got us Selena Gomez concert tickets. So we can see her May 10th!" She screams through the phone, making me groan with pain. She sighs through the phone, "Do you not like them?"

"No, their great. I really don't deserve you as a best friend,"I say, and she groans.

"I think it might be the other way around. Now tell me, whats up?" She asks concerned.

"Everything Kat. I get to have one more chance to shift and that's it. And if I can't then I am kicked out of the pack," I say quietly.

"Seriously dude stop thinking like that. Happy birthday, I have to go hop in the shower before school starts. Bye love ya boo," She says laughing.

"Bye love you," I say and hang up.

I sneak down the stairs trying to not wake my mom and her new husband. My dad died when I was only two. So I don't remember much about him. I walk into my kitchen and open up a cabinet grabbing a protein bar out. I text Nick telling him to pick me up in five minutes.

Nick has been my boyfriend for the past month now, he isn't a werewolf and doesn't know that I was supposed to be a werewolf either. So we kind of fit perfect for each other. I grab my backpack off the kitchen stool, and head out the door. I sit on the porch waiting for Nick to pull up in the driveway. As I am waiting I see Tyler walking out of his house with his girlfriend trailing behind him. He catches my scent, and looks over at me smirking.

I hate that bastard, I think to myself while glaring at him.

As I am still looking at him, I see him start to get a pissed off look on his face. I turn and see that Nick has pulled into my driveway. I get up ignoring Tyler's stare as I walk up to Nick's car.  He gets out and pulls me into a kiss, "Happy birthday babe," he smiles at me and I return it. "I have something very special planned for you tonight," He says slightly smirking.

"Umm okay, but I already told you I am not ready for sex," I tell him.

"I know babe and it's not sex, it's something even more amazing. It's a surprise so you won't know till later," He says and I smile.

"Well, I don't think you can pass up Kat on the better birthday present," I say as I pull open Nicks passenger car door. He gets into the driver's seat, pulling out of my driveway.

"And what did she get you?' Nick says, eyes still on the road.

"Selena Gomez tickets," I say smiling widely.

    He laughs, "I bet you're super psyched about that."

"I am," I reach my hand for the radio, and play it loud. The song lost boy comes on, and I sing it softly. I know I am a horrible singer but I do it anyway because it's fun.

Nick pulls into the school parking lot, and parks his car

Tyler's POV

I listen in on my beautiful mate and fucking Nick as they are talking.

"Happy birthday babe," fucking Nick says and smiles, and I growl with annoyance. I see her return the smile and my heart grows with pain. I should not be feeling these emotions since I rejected her. Nick decides to speak up again.

Does he ever shut up?

"I have something very special planned for you tonight," He says slightly smirking.

Hell no, he better not be planning on having sex with her tonight.

Luce speaks up, "Umm okay, but I already told you I am not ready for sex," She tells him, and I sigh with relief.

I get into my car, and pull out of the driveway in anger. As I am driving on the road,  I feel like I had forgotten something but I can't quite put my finger on what it is.

My phone starts ringing, I look at the caller ID and see my girlfriend calling me.

Shit now I know what I forgot.

Lucinda's POV

I pull open my locker getting my calculus book out. I slam my locker and yelp when I see my best friend standing their. My hand goes up to my heart as a reflex. Kat starts to laugh when she sees the expression written on my face. I glare at her, "Jesus Kat don't do that you almost gave me a massive heart attack. "

She laughs again, "Sorry I just knew you were in a bad mood, and we can't have that on your birthday. No, no, no we can not. So i decided to scare you to get some kind of emotion out of you. " she ways, and slugs her arm over my shoulder pulling her with me to our next class.

"Well it worked, good job. Hey I'll see you later, text me tomorrow, because I probably won't see you since me and Nick have something special going on tonight. I actually have no clue what it is but it is supposed to be a surprise," I say to her.

She laughs, "Alright tell me all the details and don't leave anything out. See you later Luce," She says and walks away, and I head into the opposite direction as her.


I'm getting ready for whatever Nick has planned for me. I hear some kind of ruckus downstairs. "Mom?!" I yell out but no response. "John?!" I yell out but still no response. Maybe it is just my dog or something.

Wait, I don't have a dog.

I head downstairs to see what is going down. I see Nick at the bottom of the steps, I head down their. "Hey babe what's up?" I say.

And he just smirks, I look down and see that he is holding a cloth. I start to back up slightly afraid. He grabs my hair and yanks me back, "I'm sorry," he mutters "but my Alpha ordered me too," he says and holds the cloth to my mouth.

My eyes start to dot up, then my world goes completely black.

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