Chapter 3

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Lucindas POV

May 6th

I wake up looking around at my surroundings. I try to stand up but I am tied down by silver chains. They do realize that I am not a full werewolf and silver won't hurt me, don't they?

Someone chuckles making me look up from the ground. I see a guy about in his mid twenties standing in the corner outside of the cell I'm trapped in. He walks up closer to the cell and turns his head to the side, "I'm Will," the crazy man says to me.

"Hmm does it look like I give two fucks who you are?" I say and laugh sarcastically, "Because I don't, I am in fucking chains dude! Maybe if I wasn't then we could get to know each other. But no I am in no mood to know who you are."

"You are a fiery one for someone who has not shifted," He says and turns his head more to look at me more enduring, "My Alpha really wasn't lying. "You are so incredibly beautiful." Will says smiling deviously, "Dangerously beautiful."

I look up at him wanting to slap that slick smile off his face, but I am restrained by the chains that I have been tied to. "So you kidnapped me, because I'm beautiful?" Looking at him with crazy eyes.

"No, the Alpha of the rogues needed a strong beautiful Luna. And you my, dear fit the picture."

"What makes you think I'll willingly be with him?"

"Well, we could always kill your true mate," he looks at me and laughs, "But you might not have a problem with that, seeing he rejected you."

"Go ahead kill him, he is a waste." I say, and then look at WIll strangely, "Why the hell do you know so much information about me?"

"Oh yea we have been like watching you for about a year or so," he says shrugging his shoulders like it's no big deal.

"That's pretty cool," I say sarcastically.


"No dumbass. That's pretty fucking weird that you have been watching me for a whole god damn year. It's not even watching, it's called stalking," I say to him. I don't know why the Alpha of his pack is letting him watch over me. He is a complete idiot.

He growls at me, "Don't call me a dumbass, mutt."

I put my hand on my chest like the word 'mutt' has offended me. "My dear Will, you forgot again." I say and laugh, "I don't give two shits what you have to say to me."

"Are you really testing me right now, while your stuck in a cage, like a dog should be?" He asks.

"I don't know, am I? You obviously think your the smart one in this conversation. So you answer your own question," I say to him, pissing him off even more.

"You really think you're funny don't you?"

"I think I am fucking hilarious dude," I say laughing.

"You know what I think is funny?" He asks, and lifts up a knife that was behind him. He throws it at me making it land into my leg. I scream out in pain. He laughs, "I think other people's pain is so funny." He says and walks up closer to the cell, I sit up and spit in his face.

He growls, "You fucking bitch, I can't wait till I get my hands on you."

Someone behind him makes a tsk tsk sound, "Now Will, did I tell you to hurt her?" Says the man nearing him.

Will shudders in fear, "No Alpha." So this is the incredible Alpha that Will kept talking about. I don't see what is so incredible about him though.

"Then why did you," the Alpha demands.

"I-I don't know sir," He stuttered cowardly back.

"I don't like pack members that don't know how to answer simple questions, and ones that don't listen!" The Alpha yells, making me shiver in fear. The Alpha steps closer and puts his hands on Will's neck and twists, breaking it.

I scream, and start crying. How would I ever willing be with someone that's a monster?

The Alpha snaps his head toward me and smiles, "My beautiful mate, I was wondering when I was going to get to see you."

Mate? What the hell is this guy on? Maybe he is just seriously mentally ill.

He pulls out the keys that were in his pocket and unlocks the cell. He steps in and smiles at me, but stops when he sees the knife in my leg.

"We need to get you cleaned up," He says and steps closer to me making me move back. This makes him furious. "Don't ever do that, I am your Alpha and your mate."

I laugh at him, "You're crazy, the only person that is my Alpha is Alpha Tyler. He is also my mate but we haven't been on speaking terms for like a year."

He slaps me, making me hiss in pain, "You do not disrespect me in my own home."

"Then take me somewhere else so I can disrespect you. It could literally be anywhere. Mcdonald's, the movies, or my own home could work," I tell him.

He punches me in the gut making me roll over in pain, "I said you will not disrespect me in my own home, got it?" He asks and I nod. "Good, I'll be back down in about two to three hours to check on you," He says to me. He locks the cell and heads back upstairs.

I try to get out of the chains I am in for almost an hour. Someone opens the door and heads downstairs, making me stop what I am doing. I see Nick heading over to me, while having a smirk plastered over his face.

"I have been waiting to get a chance to see you Lucinda," Nick says.

I glare at him and flip him off, "Go to hell Nick."

His smile grows even more if that's even possible,"There is the sarcasm that I love to hear come out of your mouth."

I glare at him and out of the curiosity that I have. I have to ask the one question that anyone who did this to them would want to know. "So the whole time that we were dating, this was all just some sick joke to you?" I ask him. I had actually truly liked Nick, and it hurt like hell when he kidnapped me.

"Of course. I never liked you. Yes you were beautiful but you were too much for me to handle. I mean that is probably why your mate rejected you," He says.

I was about to have a comeback, but my bones started to break and I scream out in pain. What the actual hell is happening to me? This all has to be some bad dream. More of my bones start breaking, and then it all stops.

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