Chapter Three: Half Moon Birth Mark

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Faye was hiding in her room and could hear her mother and father talking. "No way! I'm not going" Faye mumbled to her self. She did not want to go to Royal Academy at all. Faye then felt a sharp pain in her arm! She winched and fell on the floor. Her half moon shined. Faye saw flashes through her mind. The first flash was of a girl laughing. The girl had long red hair that swayed back and forth as she laughed. She was wearing a dark purple dress. Then Faye saw a stone cave with a bird flying over it. Faye screamed and then fainted.
"Faye!" Isadora rushed in with the king quickly following. Faye suddenly awoke gasping for air and looked at her mother.
"Mum! It shined!" Faye gasped. Faye showed Isadora the half moon birthmark. Isadora had fear in her eyes but stayed calm.
"Just rest ok honey." Isadora smiled at her daughter "And yes you are going to Royal Academy!" Faye frowned. Then The queen secretly motioned her husband to come and talk to her. The couple left the room and started to talk. "It happened again!" Isadora cried. "My poor baby!"
The king sighed "Maybe Royal Academy isn't good for her?" Isadora hit the King.
"Bertram! Don't be silly! The longer she's gone ,she won't find about the prophecy or..." Isadora stopped
"Her sister....I'm telling you some day she will find out, we might as well tell her now." Bertram replied back.
Isadora folded her arms. "No. It's to risky."
"To keep twins apart?" Bertram looked into her eyes.
"You remember the prophecy!" Isadora sighed and walked out of the room.

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