Chapter Five: Rowan

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Ryder and Faye walked and talked through the castle together. He should her all the sites of the academy. "Thanks for showing around." Faye smiled. I
"Anytime!" He smiled back. "I want you to meet someone." Ryder motioned to a room.The two walked into the room together. A tall girl with long brown hair stood in the room and rushed to them. "This is Rowan,my sister." Rowan smiled at Faye.
"Nice to meet you Faye!" Rowan said.
"You too Rowan!" Faye smiled back.
The two girls talked and talked and it was clear the two would be great friends. Later that night Rowan and Faye were in the castle stables.
"So want to learn how to ride a horse?" Rowan asked Faye.
"Ok. I will try." Faye said as she nervously got on a horse. Rowan stepped on a branch and the horse started to panic and throw Faye of the horse! Rowan ran towards Faye. "Faye!!!" Rowan yelled. Faye sat up and held her arm.
"I'm ok." Faye said. "It's just a scratch." Rowan walked over to her.
"Here let me see." Rowan said as Faye moved her arm of the scratch. It was bleeding hard and was just below her birthmark. Rowan took out a handkerchief and washed the blood from Faye's arm. Rowan gasped. "The Half Moon!!!! Your the twin!!!" Rowan moved back.
"What are you talking about!" Faye looked worried.
"The prophecy!" Rowan gasped again. "Here let me show you!" And Rowan pulled Faye away.

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