Chapter 4: Royal Academy

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Isadora walked into Faye's room and helped her pack."Do I really have to go?" Faye frowned. Her younger sister Cheri jumped up on Faye's lap.
"You not want to go to Woyal Place?" Cheri curiously asked. Cheri was 4 years old and couldn't really say her R's yet. "I going miss you" Cheri hugged her.
"It's ok,I'm going for mum." Faye hugged her sister. Cheri had curly red hair and green eyes just like her big sister. After Faye got all packed she meet her family down stairs by the castle door. "Bye,see you soon!" Faye smiled and hugged her mother and father.
"We love you honey!" King Bertram said.
"Be polite,and have a good time." Isadora kissed her daughters head.
"I will mum." Faye smiled and then hugged Cheri and her brother Lance.
"Can I have your room?" Lance asked and laughed.
"I'm coming back you know!" Faye laughed. "Bye. Love you!" She waved one last time and walked out the door. Faye unhappily walked up to her carriage and sat inside. It was time to go to Royal Academy. The carriage finally approached the Royal Academy. The academy was large and was the color of gold and silver. Outside her window she could see princesses having tea. Faye rolled her eyes. She got out of the carriage and grabbed her suitcase. "Here I go." Faye sighed. She walked in the room and was immediately greeted by a tall woman with thick blonde hair and dark eyes.
"Welcome! I'm the headmistress, Madame Greda." She smiled and put out her hand.
"I'm Faye Campbell." Faye says and fists bumps Madame Greda.
"Oh!" Madame Greda says in surprise. "How interesting!" Madame Greda frowned.
"Sorry Madame." Faye said as she quickly left. She quickly started to walk to the registration office but bumped into someone causing them to drop all their books. "I'm so sorry!" Faye said nervously. She then looked up and say a young stable boy.
"It's fine." The boy smiled. "I'm Ryder." He held out a fist.
"Fist bump?" Faye laughed and gave him a fist bump. "I'm Faye."
"Hey,want me to show you around?" Ryder asked.
"Sure!" Faye smiled.

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