FIVE- Traveling With Your Sister

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"How long is your little mind trick going to last?" Pooja asked, keeping an eye on the speeder's wheel as she looked back at her sister in the backseat.
  "I dunno'." Leia looked back to the older woman, too. "Try poking her."
  Pooja and Leia both reached back and poked Ryoo in the ribs or some other place. "Ryoo!" Pooja shouted. "Ryoo!"

  Suddenly, Ryoo came back to. "What the-" Her eyes snapped to her sister and thy went wide in anger. "Pooja Naberrie! You are in so much trouble! I can't believe you would . . . arghh! Reesa! She must be so worried! I have to comm her-"

  "Ryoo, Reesa knows we have you. She said she's excited about this and that you need the vacation."

  "Reesa said that?"
  "Of course she did. Now, calm down. I didn't even know you were working two jobs, darling! Oh, that reminds me. I left a couple fifties in your wallet. You need a nice purse!"
  Ryoo's eyes searched until she saw her worn wallet resting on the glove compartment. She grabbed and opened it to find a few fifty credit bills tucked neatly in between several hundred credit bills. She gasped at the sight and calmly shoved it into her pants' back pocket. They'd taken her apron off. "Thank you, sister," she managed in her shock.
  Pooja beamed at her through the front mirror. "It was nothing, sister. You could have said something. You should have said something."
  "So, are you going to tell me the meaning of this or will I be left to wonder? And who's the friend?"
  The woman in the front passenger seat took off her shades and looked back at Ryoo. "Leia," she said, sticking out a hand.

  "Ohhh. Your old Senate friend! Princess Leia, what an honor to meet you."

  "When are they going to stop calling me 'Princess'?"
  "Around us, she's just Leia. She and her brother found something of interest to me. I think you'll be intrigued by it as well."

  "Pooja, just spill it. What is this about?"

  "Ryoo," Pooja sighed before continuing and tears began to leak down her face. "What do you remember about Aunt Padme?"
  Ryoo's eyes went wide and she instantly turned to the door and yanked on the handle. "Pooja Naberrie! I am warning you! Let me go this instant!"
  "Ryoo, please! Leia found something out about her! I think you'll want to hear it!"

  Ryoo started screaming in protest and Pooja, of course, in response, began yelling back. Leia only had the patience to let them have at it for about ten seconds, This was beginning to remind her of how her own little boys Anakin and Jacen used to fight when they were younger. When she'd heard enough, she turned in her seat and used the Fore to project her voice and scream, "I'm your cousin!"

  Well, that shut Ryoo up.

  "Excuse me?!" she laughed, easing her grip on the backseat's door handle.

  "There, I have her attention," Leia told Pooja. "Your welcome."

  "That's right, Ryoo. We have cousins!"

  "Ha! Dad doesn't have siblings!"

  "No, but Mom did."

  "I don't want to talk about Aunt Padme. She's dead, Pooja."
  Pooja stopped the speeder in the driveway of a country home in Theed, Naboo. "You need to tell us what you remember from when Aunt Padme died," Pooja said, keeping her face right in front of Ryoo's. She was also careful and kept a hand over Ryoo's door handle. "Leia found holos on a droid. Of her. They explain almost everything. You need to see it, but first . . . you need to tell us what you remember."

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