Fred x Jack

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Narrator's P.O.V.

Fred stared at Jack. Yes, he was his younger brother but the dude was hot. Fred wasn't gonna lie. "FFFFRRRRREEEEEEDDDDD'SSSSS SSSSTTTTTAAAARRRRIIIINNNNGGG AAAATTTT JJJJJAAAAACCCCKKKK" Flame annouced. "I ship it" Kendra shrugged and grinned. "Everyone ships it." Flame said. "Even if you don't ship it, you ship it" she added with her own grin.

"Say Jeff?" Flame asked the pale boy as he walked in. "Yeah?" a light blush dusted his cheeks. "Wanna come do something with me?" she tilted her head. "Sure." he grinned, his face bright red. "Come on" she tossed him a can a black spray paint, a mischevious look in her eyes. And with that they were gone.

"Should we stop her?" Jack turned to Fred, his head cocked to the side. "Nope." Fred blushed. "Wanna come kill with me?" the red eyed boy's face lit up with excitement. "Sure." Fred was then grabbed, dragged, and pulled out the door.

Meanwhile with Jeff and Flame...

PSYCHOS HAVE MORE FUN! that was spray painted across the police station and the finishing touches were currently being done. "And... done!" Flame grinned as she turned to Jeff. "Ready for another round?" she asked. "Arkham?" he asked. "The Elizabeth Arkham Asylum for the Crimanally Insane." she specified.

"Wait a second... Flame?" he called. "Yeah?" the girl turned. "I-I- uh.." he was blushing, stuttering, and stammering over his words. "Let me just show you," he smashed his lips onto hers, causing the raven haired girl to freeze.

Back with Jack and Fred...

The duo had just finished killing a drunk, who just annoyed them- no reason other than that... he just annoyed them. They were now in a tree, after dark, and were just chilling- enjoying each other's company. "H-h-hey-um, Fred?" Jack was blushing. "Y-yeah?" Fred mimicked his blushing.

"I-I- uh l-l-like you." he blushed harder. "I get it if you don't like me back- I mean you're my older brother and it'd be incest" Jack was now babbling. "Jack-" Fred started. Jack ignored the older boy. "JACK!" Fred yelled. He was still ignored. Fred sighed before he collided his lips onto Jack's. Jack froze before kissing back.

"You're mine now" Fred grinned, before grabbing Jack's hand. "Now, c'mon let's go home" and with that they were on their way.

Once again with Jeff and Flame...

Jeff pulled away, a disappointed look on his face. "You didn't kiss back." he looked glum. "That's because of you." she defended. "What did I do?" he looked shocked. "Because you're the only guy, who can make me get all blushy and stuttery and I hate that but I just can't-" she stopped. "Just screw you!" she ended.

Jeff grinned and pulled her in for a quick hug. "Flame?" he chuckled slightly. "Do you like me?" he asked. "Because I like you." She blushed bright red, as did he."Y-yeah." she sighed. "I guess I do like you." she blushed harder. Jeff smirked at her before pulling her into another kiss and this time she kissed him back.

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