Chapter 19

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3rd Person POV:

Stefan continued to lay on the car with that limb in his stomach when finally Damon and them found him.

"Stefan," they all said running over. "Hey Stefan," Damon said. Stefan opened his eyes and nodded. Damon grabbed the limb and pulled it out of him.

Stefan rolled onto his side but rolled off the car and onto the road. "Stefan," they said helping him sit up. "Lily," he said, "She's, she's.........." "She's locked up in the boarding house," Damon said.

"What?" Stefan asked standing up once he felt the wound begin healing. "We found her at the tomb, almost killed Elena and had Caroline passed out on the forest floor," Damon said.

"Took everything to get her to let Elena go," Caroline said, "Bonnie's magic didn't work on her." "She has had spells put on her to where no witches magic can harm her," Stefan said, "She killed a lot of witches so to stop her they did the only thing that would bring her humanity back on, making her immune to witches magic."

"That explains a lot," Damon said. "How did you all stop her?" Stefan asked. "Oh we didn't," Damon said. "Then why is she locked up in the boarding house?" Stefan asked.

"Well she flung Elena into me, then ran and we looked everywhere when I went home and saw her sitting on the couch drinking a bottle of whiskey."
(Flash back)

Lily flung Elena into Damon then looked at them all and ran. She went over her tracks several times so to confuse them if they tried any sort of tracking thing.

She ended up at the Salvatore Boarding House and smiled. She walked inside and it was dark in there. She ran over and started a fire then looked around when she found a bottle of whiskey.

She opened it then sat down propping her feet up and looking over a book left on the coffee table, when she heard a car.

She smiled when the door opened, "Hello, Damon darling," she said taking a drink then closing the book and throwing it down along with the bottle, "Have you done something new with the place?"

"Lily," he said, "What are you doing here?" "Well since it seems my home has been preoccupied with a bunch of vampires, witches, werewolves and humans I knew this place would be free," she said smiling.

"I also came here to surrender, I suppose you could say," she said standing up, "I know and you definitely know there's no other way you'd be able to find or get me here any other way, so why not surrender while I can, then watch as you and dear little Stefan try to turn my humanity back on."

She walked towards the cells and waited by one for Damon to come on along. She walked in and sat down and he tied her wrist to the chair.

"Your a bitch just like Katherine when you have your humanity off," Damon said standing up straight. She smirked, "I'm taking that as a compliment."

"What happened to the girl who wanted to find Katherine and kill her, not let her out?" He asked bent down in front of her. She leaned forward and smiled, "Well that was 'humanity on' me," she said.

She moved back, "Any way I think you might have some more things to worry about besides me with my humanity off, or at least at this moment you do, once you and Stefan realize I'm not going to turn my humanity back on and I get out of here then you'll have a lot to think about, not to mention when I get Katherine out and we are running around dear Mystic Falls."

She smiled and Damon rolled his eyes and walked out, locking the door behind him, "Oh Damon," she said smirking as he turned around and looked through the small opening, "While we are speaking of Stefan, you might want to go help him, I'd say he's in a lot of pain right now."

"What do you mean?" He asked. "Times a ticking," she said then made the clock ticking noise and smiled.

He glared at her then turned and ran out and grabbed the others then went on the run for Stefan.

(Flashback over)

Stefan stood in front of the cell she was in and she had her head laid back. He turned around to walk back up when he was stopped, "Stefan darling," she said and he could hear the smirk in her voice, "Are you just going to be going back and forth from leaving or not leaving or are you actually going to come in here to get me to change my mind."

"Or maybe you had some other things in mind," she said and he could hear the huge smirk she had on in her voice alone.

He walked back over and opened the door then grabbed a chair and walked in and sat down in front of her.

He looked at her and she smiled, "Take a picture darling, it will last longer," she said, "or let me out and I might just come by and visit and give you and Damon several hours to change my mind then leave."

He shook his head and looked down, "This wouldn't have happened if Damon would have kept his fat mouth shut," she said, "Not to mention if you and him hadn't ease dropped."

"You know once I get out of here I'll make a visit to the Mikaelson's," she said smiling, "Haven't seen them in a while be nice to have a reunion."

"Your not going near them," Stefan hissed. "And who's going to stop me?" She said smirking leaning forward.

"Your not leaving here till you turn it back on," he said. She rolled her eyes and sat back.

"See The Ripper would have been overjoyed at seeing me here, tied to a chair," she said smiling, "He'd also be nice company, not to mention being more fun and not just letting us do whatever outside of bedrooms."

"Are you trying to seduce me?" He asked her. "What do you think darling?" She asked smirking and leaning forward.

He didn't answer her, but stood up and untied her. She would have smirked but she knew he had other plans in mind.

He grabbed her, hands behind her back, and walked her upstairs. "I was waiting for you to bring me up here," she said as Stefan came over and shoved her in a seat tying her back down.

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