Chapter 11

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Stefan's POV-

I followed Lily outside, "Lily did you really get kidnapped and well?" I asked. "Yes all that's true," she said, "but I never delievered it, it was a miscarriage."

"What family was it?" I asked her as we walked to a table and sat down. "What family do you think?" She asked, "The one dad stole from them it was the ruddy Evers, and their son Michael was the one."

"I've never heard of the Evers," Damon said from behind us. I looked back, "What are you doing here?" She asked.

"Heard about your out burst of facts in history," he said sitting down. "Now who's the Evers? I've never heard of them."

"Exactly," she said, "After what happened, dad went and got his business men," she said putting quotion over business men, "and they went and, well for better words and not so violent, mugged."

"So your father had his friends go and kill the Evers?" Damon asked. "Bingo," she said. "No one's ever heard of them because of that, killed the whole family: Mr. and Mrs. Evers, Michael Evers, their grandpa and grandma, cousins, Aunt, Uncles the whole 9 yards, all killed so no one could go running and telling."

"But did any of them live?" Damon asked. "Are you kidding?" She said, "My father he was like Stefan, 'The Ripper,'but human version and literally, nobody could identify them, fingers cut off, face's removed, anything that you could get a, DNA sample from gone."

"Wow," I said. "My dad was a vicious murderous creature," she said, "I went into the study and looked and saw everything."

"What happened to his men?" Damon asked, "They still have to be out there somewhere." "They are," she said, "You really think my dad would let his best men die, no he had them changed and I have their phone numbers."

She grabbed a folded piece of paper from her pocket. "Are you gonna have them like come to your house and protect it or something?" Damon asked.

She shrugged her shoulders, "Just depends if I have enemies like my parents did I'd call them up." "Where are they?" I asked.

"Where there was about 10 of them," she said. "10?" I said. "Yea 10," she said, "2 of them live in New Jersey one with a wife and a 3 month old girl, the other with a girlfriend."

"3 live in Alaska, all with wives and kids," she said, "about 4 still live in New York, and they have high class girlfriends and the last one lives in Canda with his 5 year old son, his wife died in a car crash."

I looked at her, "I keep tabs on them," she said folding it back up and putting it in her pocket. "People are going to think your some kind of mob-boss and people will think the rumors are true and that your just like your parents," Damon said.

"Well what do you expect me to do?" She asked, "Make friends with all my family enemies?" "Yea," Damon said, "Everyone who hated you guys still live in Mystic Falls for some unknown reason throw a party, invite them to the Gracey Estate or Gracey Mansion which ever one you want to call it."

She looked at him, "I have no friends." "We'll take care of that," me and Damon said. "What are you going to do?" She asked, "Invite the whole town into my house?"

"Yes," Damon said. She looked at us for a minute, "Ok whatever," she said standing up. "Good make sure you keep your house clean for tonight," Damon said.

"Really tonight?" She asked. He nodded his head then ran to his car, "Just be ready," he said, "Get drinks, music, maybe buy a tv or something."

She rolled her eyes, "Sure," she said. She turned to me, "Looks like I need to go find drinks, music, maybe a tv or something," she said.

"We can go after school," I said. "Fine by me," she said and we walked onto our classes.


Lily's POV-

We finally got to our last class and I saw Art. "Art really?" I asked. "Yea," he said. "I've been poked and proded trying to be straightened and keeping a straight face all the time, I had started to look like Katherine," I said, "and you want me to take art?"

He laughed and we walked in and I saw the same people who were in my first class and some of my other classes, "Is this a coincidence or just planned?" I asked him once we sat down.

"A little bit of both," he said and picked up a brush and looked at the painting. "You know I don't know how to paint," I said picking a brush up.

"I didn't even know you did either," I said and looked at the canvis, "Do we draw anything?" I asked. "Yea," he said, "She likes to let us express our feelings in the art."

I smiled, "Well I'm going to need a bigger board." He laughed and started drawing something. I looked at my canvas and then grabbed some paint and started.

"What are you painting?" I asked Stefan. He didn't answer, but looked at it. 'He seems like he's done this before,' I thought.

I looked at my painting and I didn't even realize I had drawn my mother and the side of my father. "Looks like the picture above your mantal," Stefan said looking at it.

I nodded my head and continued on. By the time class was over I had finished the picture and it was just like the one in my house.

"And you said you can't paint," Stefan said smiling and wiping his hands. "I can't," I said looking at it, "I don't even know why I drew this, I wasn't even thinking of anything."

He smiled and I put my initals at the bottom in black paint, 'LG," I put the paint up and grabbed my bag and walked out and to my car, and threw everything in while Stefan walked over to some people.

I never liked ease dropping on people so I just sat in the car with the windows down and listening to some music.

He got in the passenger side, "So what was that about?" I asked, "I don't like to ease drop on people's conversations."

He buckled up and I drove out the parking lot, "I was inviting them over and their going to invite more people."

I nodded my head, "So to the store," I said. He laughed and I looked at him and smiled then went on to driving.

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