ONE: prolouge.

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Warning to readers: This particular section is rather short. But there is no need for worrying, the other will be atleaset 1500 words or more.
Thank you and happy reading

"Arese open this door!"

"I said leave!!!"

"Just hear me out" He said in a rather loud voice.

"Your'e gonna wake my kids. shut up!!!" I shouted.

"Please come listen to what I have to say, I know you can't forget that night. I sighed and went to open the door.

"What do you want?" I said." I'm not knocked up if that's what you're worried about."

"You have made yourself clear about that a few hours ago but do you remembered what I said?"  He asked raising his right brow.

"Yes. You need a wife." I said rolling my eyes.

"So will you?" He said.

"Will I do what." I said totally confused.

"Marry me." He said and it wasn't a question. His face reflected one of  a person who is   stressed, desperate and tired yet it had hope. There was hope in his  eyes but he is an actor and a  good one too.
Yet I am no fool.

"No!!!" I screamed  slamming the door in his face, before I could sit down I heard a familiar  high pitch scream.

"Damn just what I need now" I wishpered.

"Hold on baby mommy's coming!!"

"Mommmmmyy!!!!" Deserai shouted." Zoe".

I'm gonna fucking kill Mason if I ever see him again. I went into my kid's room , picked up my 6 months old  girl and held her little frame close to me.

"Shhh, baby It's ok. Mommy's here now." I cooed. Just as she was about to fall a sleep.

"Da fuck do you want Mason!" I shouted tearing the door open. But it wasn't Mason.

"Who's Mason?"

"It's been 6 months Rick. What do you want?" I said with evidence of pure hatered in my voice but I was somewhat calm. Probably  because of the baby.

"I want to see my kids." He said. He divorced me and gave up all his right to his kids, for some bitch that claims she's pregnant with his child.

"I don't think so. You gave up your chance to do that months ago. Now would you please go ." I said closing the door.

"Mommy is that Mason?!!!" Dessi shouted. I looked behind me  completely forgetting who was at the door, Rick made his way in.

"I'm gonna ask you once more, who the fuck is Mason?!! He said angrily. I don't want you to have my kids around another man Arese!" He shouted.

"Again, they are not your kids!!" I said getting tired of seeing his face.

"Dessi who's Mason?" Rick asked. Well demanded from the 5 year old.

"Nobody." She spat and then walked away.

Good girl.

"Don't walk away from me while I'm speaking to you!" He said and Dessi only slammed the room door.

"Get out and go to that hoe of yours." I said.

"What are you deaf, get the fuck out!"

"I'm not going back there." He said under his breath.

"What why?" I asked curious. But he didn't answer.

"Come on, tell me."

"No." The fucking idiot said, bowing his head.

"It's not yours is it." I said trying my best not to laugh.

"You left me and your children for a hoe for the kid that's not even your!" I said bursting into laughter.

"Shut the fuck up!!!" He shouted and raised his hand in an attempt to hit me. I looked at his hand down at a sleeping zoe and back at his hand.

"Do it I fucking dare you. Hit me Rick." I said and he pulled back his hand more so it would give a harder impact. Before his hand could even come in contact with my face Mason was at the door.

"Arese? What's going on?" He asked coming over to me.

"Are you Mason?" Rick asked. But Mason only stared at him.

"Answer me!" He shouted frightening the baby out of her sleep. Mason instantly turned to me and took the baby from my arms.

"Shhhh, it's ok angel..... Yes I am Mason and you... better get out if here ."

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