Chapter 1: The Hopeless Romantic

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Aiden Taylor is a celebrity in my story and a few other characters that you will meet throughout the story. He is called Taylor or Aiden in my story. Penelope's nickname is Nelo or Nel.


Another day, ugh school and the feeling lonely... again. My name is Penelope Shakana . Right now I'm a high school senior going to Los Angeles Arts High. I really wanted to achieve some goals in my life but it's kind of hard to finish off when I don't have a special partner to be with me to accomplish most of them. I have loads of friends and multiple best friends, but I prefer my best friends much more though. They are Christy Yun, Kathy Mora, Alli Mac, Drake Leo, Jez Daniels, Quinn Pierceton, and Aiden Taylor. Yeah, you're probably wondering what Aiden is doing here. He actually goes to my school before he became famous and he's been my best - well more like our best friend since we were all born. He is with Christy. They have been in love with one another since kindergarten. It was so cute when Aiden first asked her out just last year for prom. Eventually on that night he asked her to be his girlfriend. It was so sweet and it caught everyone's attention. It was a moment of Awe.


During AP Biology Christy sitting in the back with me, and Drake,Aiden and Quinn sitting next to table the left to ours. Taylor hands off a note to Christy saying,

'Hey Christy ;), I was just wondering... would you wanna go to prom with me? The winter formal I mean, you know...

As a date.

- Aiden Taylor'

She wrote back,

'I honestly would love to go with you to the Winter Formal.

As your date. :D

-Christy Yun '

They both look at one another and smile.

Lunch comes and the first thing i notice is that Aiden and Christy already sitting next to one another which is weird since they're always facing each other in opposite sides of the table. But obviously I knew they both liked each other since I am the one who loves to get to know people and their lives. I would've done something sooner about them but i kept forgetting and was busy to set up blind dates for them. Yet it seems that love takes it own course. They seemed to be enjoying each others company so I didn't bother them.

*Time Skip to Prom*

Both Aiden and Christy went together of course while I just went with some random guy who asked me. Don't get me wrong, he was cute but all he talks about is himself. Great date huh. I was wondering where my two best best friends were at, and then I found them. They were together on the dance floor, Christy's head on his shoulder, arms around his neck. Aiden hugging her to him arms around her waist.

The song 'Listen to Your Heart' by Cascada playing. Both of them lift their heads and stare at one another. In less than a minute they both lean forward unconsciously until their lips touch...

That's all I can remember from that eventful day. Some of us got drunk and partied too hard. We were all happy that Christy and Aiden finally got together though.

*End Flashback*

Usually I arrive to school early so I can avoid the chaos called traffic. My entire group always hangs with me in the morning. We always knew what to do when we go to places together. First person I see is my best friend Christy, who is a sister to me.

"So what's new with the crazy couple? Haha" I question curiously.

"Everything's going great but I'm just nervous about our families meeting each other." she bashfully said.

"Awww haha, there's totally nothing to be afraid of girl, it's just like meeting new people at a party."

"Really now? I guess it should be."

We walk towards our group hangout and wait for the others to arrive. First one to come after us is her boyfriend, Aiden. He comes up to both of us, he hugs me good morning, and then gets his girl gives her a peck on the lips and hugs her fully. I look at them in adoration and jealously. I mean no harm about the jealously part, since I really love them to death but I really want what they have. It kills me to see them happy while I'm still alone in this world...

"Hello? Nelo you there? Earth to Penelope!" both Aiden and Christy say. Right away I snap out of my trance, "I'm sorry," I sheepishly say, "What?"

"It's alright." Aiden told me, "I was just wondering that on Friday you come with Christy and I to the movies, we have a surprise for you."

My eyes drop down into a little glare. "A surprise?"

They look at one another, then back at me, "Yeah, a good surprise. You'll love it." I suspiciously look at them, "Hmmm, alright. When is it again?"

"This Friday, oh and Nel, I'll be coming over to dress you up." Christy winked at me, before we all headed to our first period class, of Calculus.

"So what is this surprise?" curiosity getting the best of me.

"Don't worry its something you'll love us for!" answers, Christy who smiles at me. I raise an eyebrow but leave it alone since our teacher Mr. Warner was giving us our lesson. We actually would have to listen to him cause we wont get what the problems are of answer them. Soon nutrition arrives. We go to our hangout and find all of our friends there.

"Hey guys, what's up?" The three of us ask.

Drake responds, "Not much, just wondering when to go to Disneyland for the World of Color! Sounds fun right?"

"Whoa, totally!"

"We should go there after Knotts Scary Farm!"

"Haha, thats dope! Our senior year is booked!"

Ding Ding!

"Ugh class is starting. Well see you guys later!" Christy and I always go to the and classes since we have the same schedule. It's been like that for our whole lives. Can't imagine life without her... I just hope this day goes by fast, i never really enjoyed school.

A/N: I have this story in fanfiction but I'm changing this story a bit so you're more than welcome to read that one but I'm warning you that it's different.

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