Familiar Taste of Poison

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"Mon dieu! Qu'est-ce que c'est que ce bordel?!" Francis exclaimed as the Brit put a plate with a circular, disgusting looking meal down in front of his place at the table.
"It's a homemade recipe. Don't you want to try my food for once?"
"It smells and looks terrible! I'm sure it won't taste any different. What do you even call this?"
"Bubble and squeak."
Francis snickered, getting a glare from Arthur in return.
"Eat up."
Much like a child, Francis protested. Arthur was the worst cook he had ever met and he did not wish to eat anything his husband would prepare. Sure, he still loved him, it was his cooking he could do without.
He picked at it with his fork, trying to come up with small talk to avoid eating the disgusting dish.
"So, why do you have such a cute little name for a terrible dish? It makes you sound like a rabbit... Mon lapin."
Arthur rolled his eyes, mouth full of his food already.
"Arthur, you're seriously not going to make me eat this, are you?"
Arthur sighed, a little annoyed at this point.
"Why can't you just enjoy what I cook?"
"Because your cooking is disastrous!" Francis dropped the fork onto the plate and crossed his arms, pouting. "I'd rather eat at Alfred's than eat your cooking."
Arthur would laugh if he hadn't been so offended. Both Francis and Arthur hated fast food, and that was all their son would ever want to eat. Especially McDonald's. And for him to compare his food to such a thing -- how rude!
Arthur sighed again, now tired with the Frenchman's childish attitude.
"Why won't you eat it? You haven't even tried it."
"..so? It still smells bad."
"Just try it."
Pursing his lips, Francis picked up his fork. Hesitantly he brought the bubbles and squeak to his mouth and took a bite.
Arthur smirked, awaiting Francis' reaction.
The Frenchman's eyes widened, as he ran towards the trash can and vomited. "Blech!" he yelled.
Arthur followed Francis, concerned.
"I'm never eating the food you cook again!" Francis ran towards the water dispenser and filled his glass with water, gulping it down. He gave a relieved sigh when the taste was out of his mouth
"That tasted like.... like the food poisoning I got when we went to McDonald's with Alfred that one time."
Arthur remembered that night vividly. Francis had to sleep on the couch because Arthur didn't want to wake up to him vomiting, upsetting Francis who wished to be comforted in such a pained state. Alfred was a bit upset because his fathers then refused to go back since then.
"You aren't serious."
"Why wouldn't I be?"
"You were miserable!"
"And you don't think I'm miserable now, mon lapin?
"Fine. It made you sick. You don't have to eat it." Arthur took the plate for himself.
"Merci dieu..." Francis replied, relieved he didn't have to suffer anymore.
He leaned down to peck Arthur's cheek, but Arthur put his hand in the way.
"You're right. Bubble and squeak does smell. And you vomited it. Go brush your teeth first."
After doing so, instead of making Francis sleep on the couch, they snuggled on the couch.
And of course, Francis made a delicacy for dinner to save both of their lives.

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