Catacombs of Paris

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"Well, here we are, cher. Catacombes de Paris." Francis approached the entrance of the catacombs as the cat mewed.
"Does the cat have to come with us?" Arthur frowned. It was silly to carry a cat around while touring, maybe dangerous, even for Francis.
"Duveteux is staying." Francis argued, petting Duveteux, who purred.
"Whatever you say... when you lose the cat, don't blame me."
Francis rolled his eyes at this remark, and continued walking. "Arthur, how could I possibly get lost here? I know it like the back of my hand, I--" Francis nearly tripped over uneven ground, but Arthur grabbed him.
"See? You don't want to end up like that drunk Ukrainian lady who wondered off and died in the Odessa catacombs."
Francis gulped. "Wh-- non! Non, non, non. We're not getting lost here."
Arthur smirked as Francis' face grew hot, the only reason he noticed is because he buried it in the cat's fluffy fur due to embarrassment.
Even though animals were forbidden, Francis was usually an exception to the rules. He didn't need a tour guide, he had himself, and no one knew more about the catacombs than him.
"So, cher, the catacombs hold over 6 million skeletons. Fascinating, non?"
"Yeah, yeah, whatever. Do we really have to tour this place? With a blooming cat?"
Francis frowned. "W-well, non, but I thought it would be fun. Is it not?"
Arthur frowned and crossed his arms. "If you're trying to guilt trip me, it not gonna work."
Before he could reply, Duveteux squirmed out of Francis' arms and dropped onto the floor, running off.
"Duveteux!" Both young men yelled at the same time. Francis felt frozen in place while Arthur tried to run after it. But soon it became too dark and he had to turn back. He felt nauseous and a little creeped out. In a room full of dead people, it wasn't the most pleasant scenery to see when nervous.
"Francis!" he yelled. Hesitantly he walked to the direction of the light. "Francis!" he repeated and continued to repeat until he gave up and looked around. Fellow tourists.
Hesitantly he tapped on a brunette's shoulder. She turned around.
"Erm... Parlez-vous anglais..?"
He sighed, frustrated. Just what he needed.
"Great. Just blooming great." He sighed. "Merci," he muttered, walking away. What if he never saw Francis again? What if one of them wandered off and got isolated from everyone and died alone and scared? Arthur tried calling his name again. "Francis! Francis! Francis Bonnefoy!"
No response.
Arthur was just about ready to cry, and he really wished Francis hadn't brought along the bloody idiot cat.
But Francis loved that cat, so he'd have to find the cat for him before he'd let Arthur even save him. Which was bloody idiotic if you asked Arthur, but at this point he'd do anything.

A miau miau erupted from behind him, startling Arthur.
Arthur whipped around. "Duveteux?! Where the bloody hell have you been?!" The cat just meowed and licked it's paw. Arthur slapped his forehead, groaning. He was getting angry at a cat over this. With a sigh, he scooped up Duveteux.
"Well, we've better find Francis together so we don't die in here."

So off they went, walking along the catacombs. Arthur felt a bit less nervous now that he had some company. "Francis!" he called.
When there was no response, he decided to just wander around in hopes of finding Francis. Which only got him more lost.

He sat down on the ground. "I'm sick of this!" he yelled, petting the cat. "Francis is probably gone and it's all my fault." He sighed and closed his eyes. "He said we wouldn't get lost... fuck, how am I supposed to get out of here?!" He felt like he would panic, but he tried to keep his cool. Desperately hoping Francis was fine, he stood up.
He caught a glimpse of what looked like someone with blonde hair, very similar to Francis', and began to follow them.
Nope. Not Francis. It was getting hopeless. Arthur's eyes began to tear, as his stomach growled. He had no idea how long he'd been in there but he wanted to find Francis and go home. He huffed and kept on walking, trying not to think about any terrifying possibilities that could happen if they happened to be lost forever. Arthur stopped when he heard a familiar voice with a French accent.
"Arthur!! Arthur!" Francis ran towards him, grabbing his waist and pulling him into a quick kiss.
"Francis-- where the bloody hell were you?!" Arthur yelled, shoving the cat back into his arms.
"...I got lost..." the Frenchman admitted. Arthur snickered, and then full on laughed. Francis' face grew hot.
"I-it is not funny." Francis tried to argue.
"I thought you knew everything about the catacombs?"
"....Maybe I did not, okay? That doesn't matter now, we need to get out."
"Why? I thought you wanted a fun tour."
"Because I don't want to die here." Francis turned around and began walking.
"Wait!" Arthur yelled, causing his lover to turn around. "Do we know where we're going?"
Arthur hesitantly agreed to following him, them taking turns carrying the cat and either way Francis holding Arthur close.
After what seemed like forever, they finally found an exit.
"...Arthur?" Francis wrapped his arm around Arthur's waist.
"Je suis désolé. For putting you through that..."
"Because you looked scared and relieved when you saw me. And you saved Duveteux, too! All for me, non?"
Arthur blushed, looking at the cat. "Why wouldn't I?"
Francis shrugged. "I don't know. You just always struck me as a careless man. But you're an adorable loverboy inside."
Arthur's face got redder, and Francis pulled him in for another kiss. This time, Arthur didn't pull away and yell, just let the moment happen. To think he was so worried about losing Francis, but he turned out to be safe, and now they were in front of their apartment, back to normal.
After what seemed like forever, the kiss ended.
"...well, next time we'll visit the Cemeteries of London."

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