Chapter 6: One-On-One Encounter

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Evanity's POV

We both trudged hurriedly on our way to the base of the mountains making sure that we stepped on the rocks and not on the ground so that we wouldn't leave any tracks behind. Tarah had finally let go of my arm and was leading the way ahead of me while I followed her bringing up the rear. A tense silence settles upon both of us as complete darkness engulfs our surroundings making everything pitch-black. The full moon shone upon us its weak rays of light behind the clouds and over the darken sky casting our long shadows on the ground.

"Tristan tells me that they're not very far behind," Tarah said breaking the ice. "We better hurry."

"Let's run then," I suggested. "But of course we still mustn't leave any tracks."

She nodded and we both dashed through the forest scattering countless leaves and twigs that have fallen on the forest floor. As we made our way hastily through the maze of woodland trees surrounding us, I couldn't help but think if it would always be like this as we travel towards Enara. If we'll always keep on running, hiding and fighting our way against the Cabrians. It's only been twice when I came across them and both times I've been saved by Tarah. Even though I know for sure that whatever happens Tarah will always be there to defend me against them, I'm still uncertain if the time will come when it would be the other way around. When I would save Tarah from the Cabrians. Despite the situation that we're having right now, I laughed silently at myself thinking that it would probably never happen given that I haven't even advanced yet and also because I'm not that experienced in handling a weapon yet.

Minutes passed by and before we knew it we were at the base of the mountains, which stretched out ominously before us bordered by trees and knee-length grass. We stopped from running for a moment trying to catch our breaths as we stared at the worn-out pathway carved on the mountain side barely noticeable because of the faint moonlight.

I started to wonder if we could hike up on these mountains tonight and reach the Western Airan Pass by tomorrow morning while having to fight our way against the Cabrians when Tarah interrupted my reverie by saying, "Come on, Vann. Let's go."

She started to trek up on the pathway and I followed her lead. The trail wasn't wide enough to fit both of us side by side so Tarah went first while I followed behind her. It was evident that the trail was used a lot as a means to climb this mountain since footprints which didn't belong to us were imprinted on the dirt and the trees and some shrubs which surrounded the pathway were cut back down for the climber's convenience. As we ascended, the slope got steeper and I was having some difficulty in keeping myself from tumbling down the mountain when finally Tarah turned to face me and said in a low voice, "We'll wait for them here, Vann."

I nodded and we settled ourselves by sitting cross-legged on the ground. I immediately marveled at Tarah's decision for our hiding place. Our exact position here on the mountainside didn't give us away easily because of the shrubs and trees covering us while at the same time we would still be able to know what was happening down there at the forest since we were sitting only a few feet away from the cliff of the mountain with nothing but the hard ground waiting to shield us from our fall.

"So," I said glancing at Tarah whose eyebrows were knit together in a frown and was staring at something below us. "What's exactly our strategy?"

She looked at me distractedly, her usual sapphire eyes darkening with barely concealed fury and fear. Her lips were drawn in a tight grim line as she told me in hush tones about her plan.


A few more moments later, we heard the distant roar of thunder and the flash of lightning illuminating the dark turbulent sky and Tarah and I got to our feet and surveyed our environment for sudden enemy attacks.

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