Welcome to the family?

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Detective Joe West was exhausted. He had spent the day running around Central City, cleaning up the mess the singularity had caused, and he didn't foresee going home anywhere in his immediate future, especially since he still had yet to tell Captain Singh that he'd lost yet another partner in the line of duty. He heaved a heavy sigh as he sat at his desk, rubbing slow circles into his temples trying to think of just how to break the news to his Captain, when his phone began buzzing in his pocket. It was Barry.

"What's up Barry, is something wrong?" he asked, concern thick in his voice.

"Not exactly," Barry sounded nervous, which did nothing to ease Joe's mind, "can you, come to Star Labs? There's uh...someone you need to meet here."

"Is it another Meta?" Joe asked quietly.

"Well....yes, but not the bad kind....it'd be easier if you just came here and met her yourself"

"Her? You mean that girl you snatched out of the sky?" He was already standing ready to walk out the door, when Captain Singh flagged him down.

"Where do you think you're going Detective, we need all hands here," Singh barked at him.

Joe covered the phone mic with his hand "I'm sorry Captain, family emergency, Barry needs me."

Singh's stern expression softened a little at that "If it's an emergency then that's alright, but be quick about it if you can, understand?"

"Yes sir," Joe replied "thank you," he put the phone to his ear once more "you still there Barry?"

"Yeah I'm still here," Barry's voice sounded from the other end, "just get here as quick as you can, you really need to meet her."

"On my way now." He grabbed his keys from his desk drawer and headed out, worry chewing at his stomach uncomfortably. When he got in his car he speed dialed Iris "Hey baby girl, where are you?" he asked, trying his best not to let the worry slip into his tone.

There was some sniffling on the other end before Iris responded "I'm at home dad...I mean, your house....I couldn't go back to the apartment y'know.... why what's up?"

Joe gave a quiet sigh of relief, "Nothing, I just wanted to check up on you. Listen, I'm probably gonna be at the station late tonight, at least until we know that everything is under control ok? So don't wait up on me, and don't worry, I'll text you if anything happens alright?"

"Alright sounds good," Iris sniffled again, "be careful out there."

"I will baby, I will," he frowned for a moment before adding "Iris...it's gonna be ok, I know a lot happened today, and I know you're hurting but I'm gonna be home as soon as I can ok?"

Iris laughed quietly "I know you will daddy," she said, and Joe could tell from her voice she was smiling if only a little, "I'll see you when you get home."

Joe smiled to himself "talk to you later sweetie," he said and hung up. He was glad to know Iris was safe at home, now he could go meet this mystery woman Barry had rescued with a slightly steadier mentality.

"Hey, I'm here, who am I supposed to be meeting?" he asked, giving Barry a quick hug as he entered the medical lab.

Barry turned to the bed where Moira sat, trying her best not to blink as Caitlin shined a light in her eyes. "Joe this is Moira, she's the woman I rescued from the singularity earlier," he introduced him, "Joe, Moira, Moira-"

"Joe," Moira smiled at him "Detective Joe West."

Joe didn't respond at first, his eyes wide as he looked at her "Nora?" he asked in quiet disbelief.

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