The attack

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When we returned to the manor, we saw that the other servants had turned the entire mansion to a disaster area. I groaned, and I think Sebastian's eye began to twitch.
While Ceil explained the situation I got Lyra bandaged up and revived.
"What happened?"She asked.
"You were about to be eaten alive by psychopathic cannibals ,"I explained. She shuddered. I couldn't blame her.
"Are we going back out to fight?" She asked.
"Then I'm going. "
"No, your not, you have several broken bones, and a few of those things sunk their teeth I to you. You. are. Staying. here," I said.
Lyra didn't look happy about that, but obeyed. When I returned I saw that everyone was lined up and Sebastian was giving the orders.
"Oh, Annabell, I want you to be on the front lines with finny and bard," Said Sebastian. I nodded my head.
"Do we know where the Sishen are hiding?" I asked.
"Yes they are stationed in the west end of the waterfront," Said Ceil. "Let's move out!" "Sebastian and myself will go to destroy all of the cannables and will join you all shortly," He said.
When we reached the west end of the waterfront there was no one to be seen. Finny peeked into a window, and Bard positioned himself near a door. Meanwhile Mei Rin was climbing a pile of creates to get a good sniping position, but she tripped and sent the boxes crashing to the ground. I winced at the sound, and hoped that no one had heard. Unfortunately that wasn't the case.
I shot an accusing glare at Mei Rin, but I let it go.
"They are coming from the left!" Called Finny. I faced that direction and saw them coming. There were about seventy men wearing all black and hoods over their faces, but their shirts had the character I could only presume meant Sishen. I met the first one with a quick kick to the face, knifed another, stabbed, punched, blocked, got hit a few times, and just generally beat people up. Finny was rolling logs around and I leaped to avoid one. Bard was a bit farther in front than I was, but still was taking brown the men I missed. Mei Rin had gotten out her daze and she was shooting her best. We were making great work of this situation, but I was beginning to tire. I blocked the next kick and grabbed the opponent. I shoved my knee into his gut, but soon let him drop. I dashed around a create and searched for a weapon larger than my already bloody knife. I tore open another create, but their was nothing I couldn't use. After searching for a while I found a metal staff. This could work. I tested this weight and I was fine. I dashed back into the frey using my new staff for extra brutality. Time passed and Sebastian and Ceil hadn't returned, but I kept my mind on the fight.
Eventually they did.
"What took you so long?" I asked between blows.
"The cannabels were a little harder to beat than we expected,"Said Ceil. I took note of this and continued. By now there weren't many people standing, and I let my guard down for a second. This proved to be a grave mistake. One of my opponents snuck around my back, took a knife, and stabbed me straight through the heart. Blood bubbled up in my mouth and I staggered.
"ANNABELL!!!" exclaimed Sebastian and Ceil at once. Before I knew it the rest of the men were dead and the servants were crowding around me.
"Come on Annabell, hang in there," whispered Mei Rin.
Bard was keeping watch, finny was trying to close the wound, and Sebastian was trying to follow all of the orders given to him, by Ceil. I could nothing, but gaze at the Garnet river flowing from my chest.
"NO, NO, NONONONO!!!!! ANNABEL!" screamed Finny. I saw Cecil's despair, Finny's tears, Meirin's heart, and Bard's panic.I bet Sebastian barely gave this any thought, but I was glad they were here.
I laughed in spite of the situation.
Who knew I would get to die in my favorite anime, in a perfect battle scene, and have the most freaking awesome death scene ever! I thought to myself as my world faded away.

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