You Know...?

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You know that feeling when you want to say something immediately, but it's late?

Oh, that's okay, I didn't think you would...

You know that feeling... where you can't really explain some things?

Oh, that's okay, I didn't think you would...

You know that feeling, where... where... No.. You don't know what it's like.

To stutter, have behavioral problems, to have a lack in empathy.

You can say that you'll be there for me, or you've got my back, or even that I'm not alone...

But let me just say it. Autism; it's what I have. Have you heard of this?

Did you even care if it would hurt me if you made fun of me behind my back? Of course not.

I will be forever alone. Thanks for caring... But hopefully, I have it from here on my own.

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