Chapter 23.

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So in case there is/was any confusion on everything to do with the new start, and everything, here is an explanation.

So yes, I started off with a clean slate, but everything I have written is still included, like the accident or Derek's sister, that's still included. But however, things got messy and my writing has improved sense then so I thought I would start over.. *Allison is also dead*


Before (still)

She lay on my bed, in only underwear and one of my large tees. The shirt had the Ramones logo on it. It fits so tight on me, but on her small body, it looks so large. She had even breaths as she slept.

I admired her all the time, even when she slept. Especially when she was asleep. She looked so calm and emotionless unless of course, she was dreaming of something. I simply wore a pair of sweatpants, no need for a shirt when going to bed.

Before crawling into bed I brushed my teeth, and walked into the bathroom, still hot from the shower not too long ago. The mirror was still clouded with fog, but I left it alone as my parents always told me to. so it wouldn't leave streaks when it dried. Grabbing my blue toothbrush, I applied the toothpaste and started brushing.

A pair of hands had slid down my body, scaring me at first but knowing it was only (Y/N). However, the hands touching my torso weren't cold as her hands usually were. Confused, I turned around, only to see Malia.

I gave her a scowl, turned around, and spat out the spit that sat in my mouth. Turning back around, I pushed her off of my body.

"What in the living hell are you doing here." I spat. She looks slightly stunned at my words but quickly covered it up with a fake grin.

"Just checking up on you and your new mate." She said like she expected something to have happened.

"Why," I asked through my clenched teeth.

She took a step back and winked at me before walking out of my bathroom to the bedroom where (Y/N) slept. I slowly followed her and watched her every move as she tiptoed towards her. Raising her clawed hand up to (Y/N)'S face she caressed her cheek, making me step closer.

"Because what a shame it would be, to see the one you love most," she paused and turned her face towards the floor near my feet. "slip out of your grasp." she finished, staring into my eyes.

"Malia. Get out." Saying it sternly, but quietly enough that (y/n) doesn't wake up.

"As you wish." She said, a frown plastered on his lips.

Walking towards my window, which I hadn't noticed was open, she slipped out, closing it before leaving my property. I quickly jogged over to both of the windows in my room, locking them. I jogged back over to the bed and sat down next to the tired girl. As I was about to get comfortable, I noticed the bathroom light had been left on.

I sighed, not wanting to get up, but in defeat, I rose to my feet and stammered to turn off the light. I walked towards the bed, leaning to give her a kiss, but stubbing my toe in the process.

"Ahhhh shit!" I whispered.

Tossing around, she grounded In her sleep before reaching out for something. Perhaps someone, and that someone, was me.

Rushing over to my side of the bed I got under the blankets with her, she gripped my body not letting go.

I slowly started falling asleep. with many thoughts swirling around in my head. Especially to what Malia had meant.


Morning came quickly, dreadfully groaning as the sun shined directly into my eyes.

"Good morning." A small voice said. I looked down and saw my beautiful girl, staring deep into my eyes. She smiled, snuggling her face into my arms. Kissing her forehead I smiled. "Good Morning Love."

"What should we do today?" She asked me. This was interesting coming from her because she is usually never this happy or excited to start the day, she is defiantly not a morning person.

"Who are you and what have you don't with my girlfriend?!" I joked we shared a laugh but she then respite. "Noo reallyyyyy." she pleaded. I thought about it for a few seconds, but then pinpointed it exactly.

"I want you to meet Allison." I breathed. She gave me a confused look.
"Scotts, girlfriend?" She asked, "You could say that." I let out before kissing her soft lips and jumping out of bed to make breakfast.

The drive to the cemetery was short, it was only about five minutes away. As I parked she gave me a smile. Getting out and jogging over, opening her door, she breathed in the air as if it were the best scent in the world.

She jumped out, her combat boots hitting the earth's dry rocky surface. Looking around she spotted the stone we were going to, seeing as it was the most recent stone placed. She grabbed my hand, dragging me towards the path that led to the stone.

She stopped dead in her tracks, bending over to pick some wildflowers next to a tree. Before walking again, she gave me a kiss on the cheek and tugged me along yet again. Instead of standing there, placing the flowers gently on the new bed of grass, she sat right next to the stone which had Allison's name engraved. (Y/N) started introducing herself as if she talked to a real person. It warmed my heart to see this.

She talked to Allison for fifteen minutes before saying goodbye, and promising she would return soon. "Ready?" she asked me with flushed cheeks. I looked into her eyes and couldn't help but hug her.

I miss Allison, I do. And that melted my heart.

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