Chapter 26

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~later that night~

"I've healed myself, I've literally healed myself." Tears brimmed your eyes as you looked at your semi-naked body.

"Hey don't cry," he stated, wiping the stray tear that puddled on your cheek. "I don't know how I did it, but I'm glad I did. I don't want you to remember all of the things that gave you those scars."
You nuzzled into his chest and felt tired, though you were minutes away from sleep, Stiles refused to let you.
"You should clean up a bit, (y/n), you're drenched in sweat from when you passed out. Go take a bath and I'll make something to eat." He said to you, tilting your chin to meet each other's gaze.
You just grumbled, stood up, and gave him a quick kiss on the cheek. Your lips tingled and his cheek had turned red, a shock formed in between your skin. "I don't think I'll ever get used to that." You stated.

While in the bath you could smell a delicious meal being made downstairs. You sat up and turned the water off feeling quite comfortable with the temperature. It came across your mind that there was a bath bomb in the bottom drawer just a few feet away. You kept some there in case you were in need of one while taking a bath at Stiles' house, and now it will come in handy. You reached over and barely touched the knob before you slightly slipped, and hit your ribs on the edge of the tub. "Shit," you muttered, rubbing the area. The redness disappeared as well as the bruise that had formed. Yet another thing you wouldn't be able to get used to.

"You okay up there?" You heard Stiles yelling from the bottom of the stairs. 

"Yep, I'm just fine!" You yelled back. He announced five minutes until dinner time, and you sighed. The bath bomb would have to wait.

You let your body slip into the water and you felt the warmth around your face grow. You blew the air in your lungs out through your nose and rubbed at your face getting any excess makeup out from your skin. The water dropped in temperature and that's when you decided it was a good time to finish up.

The dinner he had prepared was nothing but the usual. A nice steak, ribeye being his and his Father's favorite, and it's starting to grow on you too. Broccoli and Kraft macaroni n cheese were also on the plate. Acoustic music played in the background and suddenly, there he was. "Close your eyes," he said, then guiding you to a chair. While keeping your eyes closed there was a moment or two of silence before he told you it was safe to open your eyes.

In front of you was a selection of Arizona iced tea and a wine glass. "Madame, you may pick your choice of tea for this evening." He said in a sophisticated voice. 

"Hmm," you hummed, your hand tapping your lip whilst thinking. "Surprise me, sir." He grinned and closed his eyes, his hand roaming across the selection of teas. He chose the cranberry tea and winked.

When we were eating, you got this cold feeling in your chest.  Something about Stiles had changed, you know he had been having a rough time though you were sure he was okay. As he was cutting his steak, he was zoned out at the candle in the middle of the table. His plate shattered, the green ceramic in several pieces, however, his hand was still attempting to cut the steak.

"Stiles?" You muttered, and you tried again once more but louder. His gaze turned to you, his eyes looking dull, not at all like his normal golden brown.

The steak knife in his hand turned, his eyes still on you, you stood and were prepared to go to him. He put both hands on the knife, the blade faced his chest. 

"Stiles stop." You quickly walked to him, putting your hands on the sharp parts of the knife as a shield. It hurt, but you knew it would be a matter of time before it healed. You looked down at him and his eyes had softened. "Stop." You said,  trying to be brave, and not scared.

His breath quickened, a panic attack perhaps? You ripped the knife from his hand, drips of blood getting all over his nice grey shirt. He would be mad about that later. His eyes were watering, tears then dripping down his cheeks.

What was happening?

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