"Forever" ~ Harry

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This is for my wattpad buddy Sydney! :D Really hope you'll like it! :S Otherwise, I'm disappointed in myself! xD


Sydney's POV*

The view was breathtaking, truly beautiful! No wind, the water laid flat, the sun was slowly going down. A few clouds was on the sky, all of them white reminding me of cotton candy. You could hear faint sounds from different birds, and see how fishes swam up to the surface, eating all the bugs that was flying right above them.

A big blanket was laid out on the grass, right beside the sand on the beach. Candles was laying on the side, forming a heart. Beside the candlelit heart, laid a bouquet with blue roses, with a small sign on, saying 'Sydney'.

It really took my breath away, knowing that he made this all for me. It made me feel loved, something other guys hadn't succeeded with before. It was only him, no one else!

But he wasn't like other guys! They would not put this much effort, just buying flowers, going to see a movie. This was the first time I had been on the beach. He hadn't told me what we was doing, I just got the location! So, I made my dad drive me here, after giving him my puppy eyes!

And now I'm standing here, on the beach, waiting for my wonderful boyfriend, Harry. And, if I'm not wrong, he had planned a picnic on the beach, something I had told him when we started to date that I've always wanted to do! Now, exactly a year later since we got together, he still remembered it!

It's small things like that who makes me love him even more than I do! That he does things like this, showing that he actually cares.

Arms sneaked around my waist, bringing me back to reality, and I was brought into a warm chest. A chin was resting on my shoulder, making my stomach tingle.

"Hi there." A a deep voice said in my ear.

"Hi." I whispered. "Did you do this?" I looked down at the roses, smiling.

"Everything for you!" He mumbled, kissing my cheek carefully, almost like I was fragile.

I turned around in his grip, looking up at the boy who had made all this. His tall figure, muscular chest that my hands now was resting, his green eyes shining from the sunset behind me, his curls that was messy around the place, without looking like he just woke up. He was pure perfection!

"I can't believe you made an effort to do this." I mumbled, and wrapped my arms around his stomach, hugging him.

"I would do anything for you, babe!" He said, and kissed my forehead. "I hope you're hungry, I brought food!" I looked up at him, seeing him smile wide, showing his adorable dimples. "I made sandwiches!" He said cheerfully.

"You made sandwiches?" I laughed, rolling my eyes. I know him better than that!

"No, I bought them. But it's the thought that counts!"

"It sure is." I released myself from his grip, and took his hand in mine. He took me back to the blanket, and sat down on it. Beside was a basket, that I'm sure wasn't there before. He probably brought it.

He pulled me down in between his legs, and I leaned against his chest. Our hand was still intertwined, and we faced the ocean. The sun had gone down more, and the sky was slightly pink, the clouds almost deep red.

"It's beautiful." I breathed out.

"Not as beautiful as you!" I squeezed his hand, smiling like an idiot. "This view can't beat your eyes." He whispered. I had always liked my eyes, the brown color. I had always had a weak spot for them, not really knowing why. They made me feel special, especially when he told me that. It made me shiver, and made my stomach go mad. "You want a sandwich?" I nodded, and soon there it was, laying on my stomach.

"Thank you." I said faint, taking a bite from it. It was a simple sandwich, ham and tomatoes, nothing much, but it felt so special to me. Just the thought of that I was the girl he did this for, it was unbelievable!

We sat there quiet, while eating. I was still leaning against him, and he had his chin on my head again.

We watched the sunset, something I had never done before with other than my friends. It was an amazing experience with them, but being here with Harry watching it... It just makes everything wonderful!

"This is perfect." I spoke up when I had eaten. Harry wrapped his arms around me, and I intertwined our hands while they were resting on my stomach.

"I know. It's so peacefully, no screaming." I laughed at his comment.

"This is life!" I stated, mostly for myself. He was right, it was quiet, no cameras. Just us, no one else. "I wish we could stay forever..."

"I wish that too, but we gotta live our life!" He laughed. "And live while we're young!" He sang out. I couldn't help but laugh at him, quoting his own song.

"We should do this more often!" I spoke up.

"Just laying on the beach cuddling?" I looked up at him, and he smiled. He was watching the ocean, and the light hit his face perfectly. "'Cause I can cope with that, you know!"

"Of course you can!" I poked his chin, and made him look down at me. He smiled at me, and I returned it. "But I'm serious, we should!"

"And we will! But I won't tell you when!" He winked.

"That's mean!" I pouted, and moved away from my comfy 'pillow'. I crawled over to him, and hugged his neck from the side and kissed his cheek.

"I know." He smirked. He took a grip of my waist, and wrestled me down on the blanket. He was holding his weight above me, and pressed a soft kiss to my lips. I giggled as he pulled away, giving me a smile. "I won!"

"You cheated!" I giggled.

"Did not!"

"We both know you did!"

"Maybe..." He laughed.

"Told you!" I laughed.

"You have to bring your roses back, love!" He looked me in my eyes.

"I won't forget them!"

"You know I love you, right?" He whispered. I listened intensely at every word he said, smiling wide.

"Yes I do! And I love you, Haz!" I answered simply.

"Good!" He murmured. "Because you'll have to stay with me for a while."

"And how long's that?" I whispered.

"Forever!" He whispered. "This year was only the beginning!"


Reaaaaaally hope it was as you expected, Sydney! :D I'll do the other too, it will probably be up tomorrow! (: I'll be away thouh :/ But I will do it!

If there's other people out there reading: HI! Welcome to my little family! (: I really hope you all will like this! 'Cause I love when people gets happy from what I do! It makes me happy! It's like a big happy wheel! :P

Comment/Vote/Fan/Request? (:

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