"Actually Harry Styles!" ~ Harry

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Laurens POV*

"Lauren, can you take their order? I gotta clean this up!" Annie sighed, and took one of the cloth on the counter.

"Did you slip?" I asked concerned. She nodded, and cracked a smile.

"That happens to everyone!" She chuckled. I rolled my eyes, and made my way over to the counter. There was a couple there, they couldn't be older than sixteen, holding hands and smiled to each other. They held hands, and their fingers was intertwined. The guy glanced at ither guys, annoyed that they starred at his girlfriend. She just stood there, smiling really cute!

"Hello, welcome to Starbucks!" I smiled, trying to not awe from how cute they looked together. "What can I get you?"

"Two iced vanilla lattes!" The guy said, not even giving a second thought. The girl started to smile, which means that it's obviously her favorite, and that he remembered. It was couple like this that made my heart melt, just to see how cute some people actually are togheter!

"Name?" I asked kindly, and wrote down their order on a paper. I moved my brown hair out from my face, and adjusted my glasses.

"Mark." I nodded, and wrote it down. They payed me, and kept glancing at each other in a loving way.

"It will be done soon." I smiled, and watched as they walked away. I let Annie take the next, as I started to do their coffees.

When I was almost done, Annie waved with a note in front of my face, looking at me with puppy eyes.

"I'll make it!" I chuckled. Her face lighted up in a smile, and she turned to take the other order. It wasn't much people as usually, but we still had a lot to do!

I called out 'Mark', and watched as he go their drinks, and intertwined his hand with his girlfriends as they walked out. Such a cute couple!

I went back to the other note, looking at what they had ordered. A simple hot chocolate, and three suspended coffees. I started to do it, and listened faint to the girl Annie was taking a order from. I don't think she understood English so well, because Annie was trying to speak Spanish, really bad Spanish too!

I chuckled, and wrote the name on the cup that stood on the note. 'H', just a simple H? I took it to the counter, and spoke in the mic.

"H!" I chuckled on the inside. Who can this mystery 'H' be? I scratched on my nails, trying to get a rid of the chocolate that was stuck underneath them. One bad things with having long nails and working here!

"Hello!" A deep voice startled me. I looked up shocked, and frowned.

"Here's your order!" I forced a smile, and studied his face. He had a beanie that hid his hair. He wore black Ray Bans, and had the hood over his head. He was tall, had bad posture and his hands was big. He took the cup, and smiled, looking at the name tag I had on the chest of my shirt.

"Thank you, Lauren!" He smiled, and I noticed that he had dimples.

"You're welcome!" I said faint, and watched as he turned around and walked out from the shop. I watched as he got into a black Range Rover, and how he drove away. He sounded familiar?


"Lauren, it's some guy that wants to talk to you!" Annie shouted. Ii was in the office, and I was about to go home, but I get that plan just got screwed...

"Who is it?" I groaned, and walked out to where she was.

"He's sitting in the right corner, and I have no freaking idea who it is!" She mumbled. I nodded, and mentally wished that it just was a prank. "But go!" She demanded, and pushed me out from where we had been, whispering about my visitor.

He sat there, looking really lonely and looked out through the window. He still had the glasses, the beanie and the hood on. I took a deep breath, and started to walk over there.

He turned his head against me, and gave me a smile; a wide smile! And I would lie if I said his smile wasn't cute, 'cause it was! He waved for me to come over, and I did, slowly.

"Hi?" I frowned.

"You don' seems so happy to see me!" He chuckled.

"Well, I don't know who you are, and I was about to go home, so no, I'm not happy to see you!" I groaned. 

"Well, that sounds logic!" He smiled. I pulled out the chair, and sat down at it.

"So, who are you?" I asked, wondering slightly. Or maybe really much! 

"Well, my name's Harry." He shrugged. "Actually Harry Styles!" I frowned, and watched as he removed his sunglasses, and my breath got stuck in my throat. 

"Shit..." I said under my breath, and I widened my eyes. There he sat, the guy I had a poster on in my room at home, in front of me, smiling that adorable he always do on photos. "Why do you want to talk to me?" I asked shocked. "I mean, what? Like, why? I don't get it?"

"Well, I've seen you here quite a few times, but you've never taken my orders until, well, today. So, I thought why not come here and say hi?" He shrugged. I frowned, and widened my eyes.

"Wait, what?" I choked on my spit. 

"You okay?" He asked concerned. I nodded faint, not knowing what to say anymore. "Anyway, hi!" He smiled. "And, I wonder if you're busy tomorrow!"

"Uh, no-o, I'm off work at four." I whispered.

"Would you mind go catch a movie or something?" He suddenly turned shy, and I could see the faint blushing on his cheeks.

"No-o, I don't mind!" I said fast, and felt my hands shake slightly. 

"Good, I'll come pick you up here at four then!" He let go of a breath, sounding as if he was relifed.

"But, don't I need to get ready?" I frowned. He shook his head, smiling again.

"No need to, you'll be perfect anyway!" I dropped my jaw at his words, pinching my leg to make sure this isn't just a really odd dream or something. He chuckled at my reaction, and I closed my mouth and started to blush. "So, Ii guess we'll meet tomorrow!" He smiled, and started to take on his jacket.

"Wait, don't you need my phone number? I mean, in case something happens?" I asked confused, and he just smirked.

"I got your number from your friend here about a month ago, I don't think that Ii need it again!" He kissed my cheek, and gave me another smile. "See you tomorrow!" He said, and turned around. I watched him as he walked out from the shop, still in utter shock.

"Annie?!" I shouted, and turned around. She stood behind the counter with a innocent smile. "I gonna kill you!" 

"Oh no, you won't!" She chuckled.

"And why's that?" I raised my eyebrows.

"Because you're going on date with Harry Styles, and that's probably thanks to me!" She winked, and walked to the office. I felt a buzz in my pocket, and I picked it up from my pocket.

'But you might need my number! ;) Can't wait until tomorrow! Seeya! :* /Harry'


Well, it turned out different from other Starbucks stories xD None got coffee on their shirt! xD And that's like, odd? Idk, I think so at least! 

I hope you liked it Lauren! :D I will do the other soon, I just need some inspiration! Sorry that it took so long, but I hope you liked it! :) x

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