Trekkies or Trekkers
FANDOM: Star Trek in all its various, glorious iterations.
↢ An extreme aversion to red tops
↢ Expert Vulcan salute
↢ Yelling "KHAAAAAAAN!" whenever frustrated
KEY ACCESSORIES: Uhura's comms officer dress; closed communicatorphone case; Starfleet Combadge earrings; bat'leth necklace; tinynoise-making replica tribble
HOW TO BECOME ONE: Diehard Trekkies may disagree, but I'd startwith the 2009 J. J. Abrams film Star Trek: it stars a veritable lunchbuffet of hotties and, since it's a reboot, you don't need any priorTrek knowledge to enjoy it. If you want to get into one of theshows, you've got two good points of entry: Star Trek: The NextGeneration, a classic, starring Patrick Stewart and a lovable bandof crewmates, or Star Trek: Voyager, the only Trek with a femalestarship captain, and my personal fave Trek of all time.
UNENDING DEBATES: TOS or TNG? For that matter, Kirk or Picard?Why did Star Trek: Enterprise have to happen? Is there any way toorder tea other than "Earl Grey, hot"? Star Trek or Star Wars (anddoes it matter now that J.J. Abrams does both?)
The Fangirl's Guide to the Galaxy: A Handbook for Geek Girls (SAMPLE)
SachbücherFanfic, cosplay, cons, books, memes, podcasts, vlogs, OTPs and RPGs and MMOs and more—it’s never been a better time to be a girl geek. The Fangirl’s Guide to the Galaxy is the ultimate handbook for ladies living the nerdy life, a fun and feminist ta...