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FANDOM: DC comics and films


↢ Over-Bat-use of Bat-puns

↢ Nightmares of the Joker showing up at your door à la The KillingJoke

↢ The unwavering opinion that Aquaman is really bad-ass

KEY ACCESSORIES: Red shirt, yellow belt, and blue skirt with stars;Bat symbol necklace; Harley Quinn-print purse; cat ear hairband;comic-print heels

HOW TO BECOME ONE: If you're a movie gal, jump in with the ChristopherNolan Batman trilogy (Clooney, I love you, but the nipple-suitswere way weird). If you're into comics, start with any of thetrade paperbacks from the New 52 (the reboot that reset all of theDC continuity): pick up the first volume of New 52 Batwoman (byJ. H. Williams III and W. Haden Blackman) and the first volume ofNew 52 Batgirl (by Gail Simone), but also go for New 52 Aquaman,Animal Man, and Swamp Thing, if you're feeling adventurous.

UNENDING DEBATES: Exactly how much better are we than Marvel?Batman or Superman? Batman versus Superman? Is Batfleck goingto be awesome, or will it be a ginormous mistake? Why does everyonehave to think Aquaman is so terrible?

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