Chapter 2

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It was like I was having an everlasting dream, but I just couldn't get anyone to help me. I started to feel water droplets fall on my face, then it was like a while bucket of water was poured on me.

I was right, one of the nurses' poured water on me; I woke up everyone staring at me like I had just screamed.

One of the other people came up to me and was trying to calm me down because I had tears in my eyes and I was hyperventilating.

Minute after minute it seemed like everything was a blur and all I could hear was the wind and everything falling above us. I couldn't imagine what was happening up there or what someone would be doing if they didn't know there was shelter. I couldn't imagine what I would be doing if they didn't help me and I was still up there. I couldn't imagine what my parents where doing right now. As every second went by I got more and more worried of all the possibilities that where running through my mind at a thousand miles per second.

Every time someone asked me a question I couldn't seem to answer but only get even more confused. I couldn't talk; I could just... I could sit... there and... listen to everything... and watch as every person went by... or that sat by me and... and tried to comfort me. Nothing anyone told me matched with what my brain was telling me. I... I... I was just now wanting to listen to what that man told me or... or what that little girl had said. How that little girl is in my same situation but younger. My brain told me to help her... have stay beside me, don't let her walk away with tears in her eyes, even... even... though I do have tears in my eyes.

I started telling myself call her back over here. That's what I did I called her back over to where I was even though I didn't know what her name was. I told her she can sit with me since she's alone also. Instead of having her sit beside me I had her sit in my lap because I could tell she was cold. She was the sweetest little girl ever I asked her what her name was and how old she was. She was 5 her name was Charlotte we had a conversation but it was short and I realized she was tired so I got some juice in cup because she is too old  for a sippy cup.

She fell asleep in my lap; someone came up to me and asked if I wanted to lay down somewhere with her. I nodded my head yes and picked her up realizing she was pretty light. The women found us a little pallet to lay down on; I laid her down on the pillow then laid down myself. That's how we fell asleep I held her like I never wanted to let her go. Truthfully I didn't want to.

How I Survived Hurricane IreneWhere stories live. Discover now