Mortician's Daughter

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Spooky Halloween Blurb! Here's a short story of a haunted house and a serial killer! Enjoy!

It's not easy being a daughter of a single parent. It's even harder when your father is a mortician, and it gets even worse. The corpses that have died, and been worked on by Dr. Cyrus Boaz haunt his home and his daughter, Vivian.  October was Vivian's  favorite time of year, Halloween was no exception. Just like any other day, Vivian began to cook dinner for her father and herself. Vivian decided on pasta for dinner, which happened to be her father's favorite. Although Vivian had music playing from her phone, she could still hear the moans from the ghosts which resided in her home. As a child, Vivian could see things other people couldn't. At the age of 17, Vivian could communicate with the spirits in her home quite easily. None of the ghosts were friendly - in fact all of the spirits were vengeful, seeking some kind of revenge on the living. Vivian poured the noodles into the boiling water, and waited for them to become edible. As Vivian picked up the hot pan, an angry spirit nudged her hand, causing her to spill boiling water on herself. Vivian gasped, but wasn't surprised that another spirit tried to harm her. Spirits had done everything to harm Vivian. From burning her, to trying to drown her in the bathtub. But none of these things could compare to what would happen in 48 hours. Vivian's father came home from the mortuary, but he wasn't alone. As Cyrus Boaz sat down to eat dinner with his daughter, he could tell she was tense. Perhaps she could feel that he had a stressful day. A serial killer from the next town over, and his 33 victims had come into the mortuary today. As Vivian ate, she noticed a tall, thin man standing behind her father. The man had high cheekbones, deep set eyes, black  hair and a cold expression. It was obvious that Cyrus had worked on this man earlier today. The way the man stood, looking at Vivian made her shiver. He looked at her like she was a piece of meat. Cyrus and Vivian, after dinner, made small talk. Cyrus chatted mostly about the serial killer.

"James Thredson, a serial killer from the next town over came into the office today. As well as his 33 victims. His family was very rich, and demanded that he be buried on the family lot." Cyrus explained to Vivian.

As Vivian looked behind her father, and at James, she could tell that something terribly wrong was going to happen. Once the dishes had been washed and put away, Vivian retired to bed. That night she woke up to the sound of scraping feet on her wooden floor. She turned on her light, but saw nothing. Vivian turned her light off, then snuggled back into her covers. As she drifted to sleep she could hear James Thredson whisper in her ear.

"You're next sweet Vivian."

The next day, Vivian and James had another altercation. While Vivian was sharpening the kitchen knives, James managed to move one of the knives. He moved the knife just enough, so that when Vivian tried to grab it, it cut her. For the rest of the day, Vivian avoided sharp objects. That night, way past midnight, Vivian heard James Thredson whisper in her ear again.

" Vivian Jane Boaz, nothing can save you."

A deep, dark laughter erupted through the entire household. Vivian feared for her life. She stayed awake until sleep was no longer avoidable.

When Vivian awoke the next morning, she immediately noticed that she was no longer in her bed. She was in her creepy cellar of a basement. Her basement was cold,damp, spider infested and dust covered. As she picked herself up off the floor, she could hear James Thredson laughing at her. Soon the other violent entities of the house began to join in on the evil laughter. Vivian tried the door to the cellar, but found that it was locked. As she turned around to find another exit, she came face to face with a vengeful spirit. The spirit raised its hand and sent Vivian flying into the far wall. When she landed, she was sure that she'd broken a rib. Vivian quickly picked herself up, and ran for the door again. This time it was open. Vivian sprinted out of the cellar and ran upstairs, looking for her father. Cyrus was out at work, so there was no way he could save his daughter. When Vivian made it up the stairs, James was up there waiting for her. He appeared right in front of her, scaring the life out of her. He grabbed her by her throat and threw her down the stairs.Vivian tumbled and tumbled until she reached the bottom of the stairs. James appeared at the base of the stairs, with a knife in hand. As he swiped down, Vivian rolled out of the way, narrowly missing James's blow. James grew angrier. He swiped again, and managed to slice Vivian's cheek. Blood trickled from the wound. Vivian placed a hand on her cheek and ran away from James. She scrambled towards the front door. Blood was pouring from the cut on her cheek, and somewhere else on her head, probably from the tumble she took down the stairs. As Vivian fumbled with the locks on the door, James Thredson advanced towards her. He raised his knife and screamed out.


Vivian threw open the door and scrambled onto the porch, she gathered some air in her lungs, then sprinted off towards the driveway. She ran passed the driveway and onto the front lawn. Vivian, who was broken and bleeding, stopped near the front gate. Vivian looked back at her house, looking for James and his knife. She saw nothing. She turned around to leave the property, but saw the sun flash against a metal object, and James's face, before everything went dark.

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