Black Veil Brides(Andy Biersack)

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This here is a looooonnnnnngggg story about Andy Biersack of the band Black Veil Brides. Please be aware the this particular story was written in 2013/ when my writing skills sucked ass, so please don't judge to harshly. Yet none the less please enjoy! Also it's about 6,000 words so it's long sorry!

"This trip is going to be so much fun!" yelled Madeline.
"Yeah! I just hope we dont get put into separarte groups. That would suck." Lucy said with a sigh.
Skylar  came in between Lucy and Madeline and put both of her hands on either of their shoulders.
"It's gonna be fine guys," Skylar said with a smile.
"Yeah you're right." Madeline and Lucy said at the same time.
The girls laughed until their sides hurt. They loaded up on to the buses, and continued their giggle fest. The bus ride to the final destination took forever. When they finally got there all the students realised that they were at a abandoned shack in the middle of no where. Everyone got out of the buses and scattered around the property.
There was a small shack near a flowing river, that looked like it hadn't been used in over a century.
Madeline, Lucy, and Skylar walked up to the house and started to talk about it.
"It looks so old," Skylar  said as looked at the broken wood beams.
"I wonder who lived here?" asked Madeline.
"I think that person died along time ago." Lucy said quietly.
They walked up onto the porch. Lucy walked in front of the house and looked in the window. It was broken and dusty, and when she looked closer she saw her reflection and someone else. Lucy turned her head like a confused dog and, so did the other person. Lucy reached forward toward the glass to wipe away some dust but, she accidentially cut the palm of her hand on a sliver of glass. The person on the other side of the glass looked at her cut hand. "OW!" Lucy whispered. The guy behind the glass turned around and growled at something behind him. Lucy looked closer at the person. The person was the most handsome guy ever. He had short black spiked hair, and blue-grey eyes. His face was amazingly white,and he had a dark scar that went from his left ear to the middle of his cheekbone. He had a nose ring and a lip ring. The scar really stood out as well as his eyes which were lined with eyeliner and eye shadow. The gorgeous man looked at Lucy's  bleeding hand. He stuck his hand through a broken hole of shattered glass. He grabbed her hand and touched the bleeding cut. He traced the cut and it started to heal. Lucy stared with wide eyes. The cut healed and the guy kept his hand on hers. There was a mini fire on her skin. Then it changed to ice cold needles, and then back to fire. Lucy looked at the guy's eyes, they were smiling, and so were her's. A loud crash came from behind Lucy. Skylar  had knocked over an old planting pot. It had shattered and sent dirt all over the deck. Lucy pulled her hand away from the guy. All the girls gathered around the broken pot.
"O-oops" Skylar  said.
Lucy knelt down and started to pick up pieces of shattered vase. Madeline brushed the dirt into a nice pile and Skylar helped Lucy pick up pieces. While all the girls were all on their knees, the door to the inside of the house slowly creeked open. They looked at eachother and stood up. They walked in and everyone else that was on the buses followed. When everyone was inside the girls looked at their surroundings. The house was crumbling. There were stair that lead to a attic and the windows were all bordered up . There was a screen door which lead to the "backyard"
When everyone was inside the front door slammed shut. A few evil laughs echoed through the house. Black smoke filled the house and with the black smoke came guys. The guys had black emo hair cuts, makeup on ,black emo clothes, and tattoos. When the smoke settled, two of the smoke guys came running at Skylar, Madeline, and Lucy. The girls screamed and ran toward the back door. Madeline kicked it open and they rushed out back. One of the smoke guys stood in the door way so no one from inside could help the girls. Thunder and Lightning crackled over the sky. Three more smoke guys appeared in front of the girls.
One was the guy in the glass. The girls were scared beyond belief, but they wouldn't show it. Lucy looked at the guy from the glass. If she wasn't scared, she would be hitting on this guy, hard. The guy was staring at Lucy. She felt uncomfortable with the guy staring at her.
Skylar was looking at the guy to the right of the guy in the middle. He was looking at her with a shy smirk.
Madeline  was looking at the guy in the far back. The guy in the far back wasn't looking directly at Madeline but, he was stealing glances.
The guy that Lucy  was looking at stepped forward. He looked at each of the girls, and his gaze landed on Madeline. His eyes turned dark grey. An inaudible growl escaped his lips, and he rushed forward. He stopped right in front of her. She stepped backward and was picked up by the back of the neck. The guy in the far back stiffened. Madeline struggled.
The guy standing in front of Madeline  asked " Are you afraid?"
While talking he pulled out a large pocket knife. Skylar  hugged Lucy . Before Lucy could hug Skylar back, she disappeared.
"No I am not afraid to die, or of you." The guy with the knife got a curious look on his face.
He looked from Lucy  to Madeline . He slowly walked toward Madeline with the knife. Just as the  guy was about to stab Madeline; Lucy jumped in between them.
"Andy No!" yelled the guy in the back.
Lucy made a small squeak. Madeline  fell to the ground and was then wrapped in someone's strong arms. Andy, the man who stabbed Lucy, pulled the knife out of Lucy's chest . He caught her before she hit the ground. Andy's eyes turned a pale grey. Andy stroked some hair away from Lucy's face. His heart was mending and breaking. He had found something he had been searching for. And it was being taken away from him as quickly as he found it. Andy put his forehead to Lucy's and whispered " mon petit loup blanc(my little White wolf)"
Andy picked his head up and willed the tears in his eyes to disappear. "Oscar, Zak take them both to my room," Andy ordered. Andy handed Lucy  to Zak and pinched the bridge of his nose. He opened his eyes, they were on fire. He walked into the house and said "If anyone is left, you will die" Everyone scrambled out of the house, and Andy walked outside. He sat down and ran his hands through his hair.
"Andy, this one stayed." Said Zak.
Andy looked up and saw the short blonde that hugged Lucy.
"Why did you stay?" Andy asked.
"Because you have my friends." Skylar said with a smart ass tone,and tears running down her cheeks.
It was killing Zak to not comfort her. Andy pulled out his knife and paced around. Before Andy let go of his knife, and before it was sent sailing into Skylars heart, Zak covered her with his large wings. The knife bounced off of Zak's wings and Zak let out a low growl.
"SHE"S HUMAN!" yelled Andy.
"TO YOU!" Zak shot back.
"What do you mean to Me? I can smell human all over her, She's nothing to us." Andy retorted.
She's something to me." Zak said with emotion.
"Like what?" Andy challenged.
"SHE'S MY MATE ANDY!'' Zak lost it.
He uncovered Skylar and lunged at Andy. Andy, who was taken by surprise, stumbled backwards. The boys tumbled down a hill and landed in a river. They continued to fight and beat eachother. Skylar ran to the edge of the hill to see if they were ok.
A woman, who looked to be in her 50's came up behind Savvy and placed a hand on her shoulder. The woman led Skylar to Andy's room. When the woman returned to the river bank the boys were still fighting. They weren't hurt because of how fast and strong they were. The woman walked to the edge of the bank. Andy saw the woman and stopped fighting. Zak saw her to and also stopped. They knelt down and put a fist over their hearts.
"Stand, Andrew I need to speak with you," said the woman.
"Yes Mother," Andy replied.
Andy stood and sprinted over to his mother. His mother was sitting on a bench, when Andy caught up to her. Andy sat down.
"Andrew I am dying, and when I'm gone you'll take over." His mother started.
Andy was panting very hard. His mother placed a hand over Andy's heart and entered his memories. When his mother removed her hand she was smiling.
"Have you found her?" she asked nicely.
"I JUST KILLED HER!" Andy shouted.
"I killed her and I just met her...." Andy said with emotion.
Andy's eyes were becoming a storm. Between sad and rage. Sadness for killing Lucy, and rage at himself for being so stupid.
"I have been searching for over a century both here and in heaven. I finally found her. And now she's gone. Mother, my heart feels like it's being shattered into a million pieces that keep getting glued back together. AHHH!!!!!!! I JUST KILLED THE GIRL IM SUPPOSED TO CHERISH!!!!" Andy became so up set that he turned and punched a tree.
"Andrew calm down, she's not dead yet. go save her," Andy's mom said with compassion.
Andy shot up and kissed his mother on the forehead. Andy took off running and when he got to the house he saw Zak and Oscar outside the door.
"No hard feelings man," Zak said.
"No hard feelings," Andy agreed.
They walked to Andy's room. They stopped outside the door and heard the girls talking.
"That Loser stabbed her!" Skylar shouted.
"Ssshhhhh! They'll hear you " Madeline  whispered.
"OW! Careful Madeline" Lucy said with pain in her voice.
"Sorry, It's just " Madeline  said a very serious tone.
"WHAT?" Skylar  and Lucy  said at the same time.
"You're gonna die if we don't get you to a hospital." Madeline  said with tears running down her face.
Andy couldn't take it anymore. He opened the door and saw Lucy  half naked on his bed. He growled. Zak moved and grabbed Skylar  by the waist. He hugged her. Skylar  turned around and Zak put his head on her shoulder. Oscar picked Madeline  up in the bridal pose.
"put me down so I can go T bag that douche and fart in his face!" Madeline  whispered
"Calm down we can get rough later if you want. ."Oscar whispered in her ear.
Madeleine's  face got bright red.
Andy shot over to Lucy . Lucy  tried to move away but couldn't because of the pain. Andy looked at the wound. His eyes became a silver grey. He felt terrible, and complete. He lightly traced around the knife wound. Instead of pain Lucy  felt relief. Andy pulled out his pocket knife. He cut vertically into his palm. He placed his bleeding palm on the knife wound.

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