It Must Be Mine...

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"If it feels good,
Tastes good,
It must be mine.
Heroes always get remembered,
But you know legends never die.
And if you don't know now you know.
I'm taking back the crown,
I'm all dressed up and naked,
I see whats mine and take it, (finders keepers, losers weepers)
Ooh yeah
The crown, I'm so close I can taste,
I see what's mine and take it, (finders keepers, losers weepers)
Ooh yeah." -Emperor's New Clothes, Panic! At The Disco.

Picture is of the one and only Josh ;) (Dougie Poynter 😍)
And I'm back at school. It's the last term and we are 2 weeks in. I have to get up at 4:30 am every weekday morning and I don't get back home till about 5 pm so I manage to do all my homework on the 2 hour train ride.
Oli hasn't tried to find me while I'm at school either. Or tried at all. I should've guessed he wouldn't actually be there for me. But part of me still loves him.
James is the one who is really here for me though. I trust him so much. He doesn't try to force things out of me, but he's there when I wake up from nightmares or when I start having an anxiety attack. He's just there. And it really helps.
The train jolts, snapping me out of my thoughts and I turn up my music. The Hills by The Weeknd ends and Nicotine by Panic! At The Disco comes on. I tap my foot along to the beat and hum the tune lightly while I solve the maths equation on my homework paper. I really hate this. Only one more day and you're finished for the year, I tell myself, then you've got a month and a bit to prepare for your VCE exams. Someone sits beside me, their black hoodie pulled up so I can't see their face. He's sitting so carelessly and close that I shift uncomfortably. He stinks of cigarettes. I can smell the alcohol on his breath as he begins chuckling. My heart beat speeds up a bit as he keeps laughing. His laugh sounds slightly familiar. I shove my things in my bag as the train starts to slow and comes to a stop at my station. I shuffle out of my seat and off the train. The man follows me. I touch off and walk a bit faster off the platform as he keeps following me. I get to the parking lot and search for James' car but I can't see it. I take out my phone, my music still blaring through my head phones. I turn it down low and text James asking where he is. The man slowly approaches me and I keep hold of my phone in one hand as he stops right next to me.
"You changed your hair." He says, his words slurred. His voice is so familiar. "Why'd you run?" He asks, his breath smelling so strongly of alcohol, my eyes water slightly. He pulls down his hood and I gasp. Oli grabs my wrist and holds it so tightly I'm scared he'll crush it.
"Why'd you run away from me?" He yells.
"Oli, please let me go."
"Answer me, slut."
"You're hurting me! Stop!" I say, trying to pull away but finding it's useless.
"That's not an answer." He shoves me, not letting go of my wrist. My phone buzzes and I glance down to see a text from James saying he's a minute away.
"I ran away because I couldn't bare to be in that city anymore. Because my brain was fucked up and I didn't know what else to do." I tell him, tears welling up in my eyes, partially from the pain he was causing my wrist and partially from the pain he was causing me standing in front of me. "I thought you'd given up on me."
"Now I have, you worthless skank."
"Oli, I'm with someone else. It's over between us. We've grown apart and I don't think we can grow back together. Someone who would actually worry about me when I run away. Someone who would try to look for me. Someone who would send a search party out to look for me. Someone who makes me happy."
"I made you happy!" He snaps, squeezing my wrist tighter. I let out a desperate gasp as pulls me towards him. Suddenly James' black ute pulls up and James gets out quickly.
"Let her go, mate." He says firmly.
"She's my girlfriend." Oli shoots back, not taking his eyes off mine.
"She's over you. She told me so herself." Oli looks at him and releases my wrist. I run into James's arms. He steps slightly in front of me, standing tall and defensive. Oli chuckles and wipe tears from my cheeks and eyes.
"Just watch her. She's sneaky. You could think she loves you one minute and the next minute she's imagining you as someone else while you're having sex. One minute she's in your arms, the next she's no where to be found and you don't have a clue where she went." He puts a cigarette in his mouth and lights it, taking a drag of it and blowing smoke donuts in our direction.
"I don't care. I'm going to treat her with respect and love and how a real princess should be treated."
"You think I didn't treat her like that?"
"No. You didn't. If she ran away from me, I wouldn't stop looking until I found her. I wouldn't eat, I wouldn't rest. Nothing. Not until she is back in my arms." Oli takes a few steps forward until he's right in James' face.
"I got barely any sleep and I'm half starved. I've started taking drugs again. I've started smoking again and I'm drinking more then usual." Oli spits. "I changed to keep the one thing that has ever made me feel happy. But now she's gone and I have no reason to be that nice boy any more." He whispers the last sentence in a hoarse voice and my heart cracks a bit.
"Do you ever wonder about the real reason she ran away?" James asks. "I think you should leave." Oli chuckles and rolls his eyes, giving his head a small shake.
"You're nothing to me." He says to me as pulls his hood back up and walks away. James turns to me and cups my face in his hands, kissing my lips lightly.
"Are you okay?" He asks. I nod and cradle my wrist. I'm angry at him for provoking and antagonising Oli like that. He didn't have to say half of those things.
"The fucker hurt your wrist." He says, annoyedly. "Let's get home and get ice on it." He helps me into the car and shuts my door for me before he gets in and we drive towards his house.

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