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Prologue //

*There is chapter contains graphic depictions of violence, sexuality, strong language, and/or other mature themes.*

*16 years old *

Piper POV

"Twins! where are y'all ?" I said going to each door in this house. I was really getting frustrated, mad I can't even explain. I call their phones to see where they was at but they don't answer. I knew I shouldn't of trust them, they said they was coming right back. I hate being in the house by myself at night. I know I'm 16 but it just too scary.

I heard the door open, I ran downstairs to see if it was them. But it was worse it was my father.

And he is drunk.

He always use to abuse me because he always use to say that I use to take time from him and my mother.

So after my mother and brothers leave, he would come and abuse me. He would say that if I told anyone that he abuse me he would kill my brothers. He is crazy he come home drunk and high.

He would abuse my brothers but I told him he could abuse me more so he wouldn't have to abuse them.

I feel so sad because I don't keep anything from my brothers they more than my brothers they my twins literally.

They don't keep anything from me, because they trust me and I trust them. We not really that tight, like we stick together as glue, they always go places without me, they go the park without me. Sometimes I think that they wish that it was just those two and not me. But I never tell them that.

I tried to walk slowly back to my room but the floor creep. Shit.

"Who's there? " He said angry.

"Me "I'm so nervous. This time he going to do more.

"Ooh this bitch, come here? He said pointing a finger at me.

I walk really slowly to him when I got there.


He smack the crap out of me, probably I got huge mark on my face. Now I have to use my mother makeup. I touch the scar and it sting .Ow.

"Do you know why I abuse you?" He said getting even closer then what he already is. I just ignore him.

He stomp on my foot.

"Ow" I started crying.

"Answer me "He yelled in my facer spitting at me.

"I don't know "I whispered

"Ohhh you don't know huh?" I shook my head

"Well, let me tell you, see you in your lil twins took your mother from me. Now I'm cheating on her with some other girl that give me attention. The only reason I'm with her is for her money. All of yall is a piece of- "I slap him it took him by surprise but I couldn't stand him.

"One down, two more to go "He said. What do he mean by that?

He pulled out his gun and shot me after that all I saw was blackness.

Hunter POV

"Come on lets go I think we torture Pickle enough" Tyler said in the passenger seat.

"Yea, you know how much she hate being in the house by herself" I said driving to the house.

When we pulled up to the house there were polices and ambulance. I hope nothing wrong with Piper. We ran out the car and was belt to go pass the police but they stop us

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