Chapter 2: Newfound Power

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     So this is how it feels if you're falling to your death in oblivion. 




Don't know when it will end... 

     You really don't feel like falling. You fell like floating, suspended in the air, not knowing when you'll see ground again. 

     It let me reflect on the life I had before this happened. My life was a little bit miserable, not being accepted and all. But I had times when I was accepted by doing little acts of kindness and sharing knowledge to those who needed it. But he\/she is still right. I was miserable, but just a little. 

     After dropping for like ten minutes, I noticed that my drop rate decreased, becoming slower, dropping gently. I got a glimpse of the ground where I was supposed to land. It looked like a stained glass window. I couldn't make out the details because I'm still too far from it. As I dropped closer to the ground, my falling seemed to be much slower than before. I can finally see the whole stained-glass image with full detail. It was entirely made of glass, but it was the floor. I'm a bit cautious about landing there, so I wouldn't have a repeat performance, and another traumatic event. The floor was round and the dominant colour was blue. There was a picture of a beach at the bottom and star-like figures inside circles. I have to say, it was a beautiful sight, even if it will be my last. As I was falling nearer and nearer to the floor my body seemed to shift slowly in an upright position. Finally, after about half an hour of falling, I safely landed on the stained-glass floor. It was really quiet; you can hear a pin drop. I walked around, looking for a bridge, path, anything to help me get out of here. 

"Can you hear me?" 

     A voice spoke around me. I don't know who it was, but I'm willing to try anything to get out. I just nodded my answer. 

"Now, step forward. Can you do that?" 

     A blinking light appeared in the middle of the floor. I did what I was told, and walked towards the centre. When I was in the middle of the floor, 3 stone pedestals rose up from the ground at each corner of the circle, forming a triangle. 

"Power sleeps within you." 

A shield appeared on one of the pedestals. 

"If you give it form," 

A wand appeared on the next stone. 

"It will give you strength." 

A sword appeared on the last stone. 

"Choose well." 

     After that, complete silence. I guess I need to choose one from the three items shown to me. It was hard to decide, but I think I get the concept. Sword means Power, Shield means Defence and Wand means Magic. I took my time so I wouldn't regret my decision. I had come to a decision to choose the Shield. As I picked it up, the voice spoke to me again. 

"The Power of the Guardian. 

Kindness to aid friends, 

A shield to repel all. 

Is this the power you seek?" 

I nodded and the shield disappeared. 

"Your path is set. Now, what will you give up in exchange?" 

     Now I have to choose what to give up on? That's not fair. But it was a price. I closed up on the wand. I thought it wouldn't be useful to me. As I took the wand, the voice spoke again.

"The Power of the Mystic. 

Inner strength, 

A staff of wonder and ruin. 

You wish to give up this power?" 

I nodded and the wand disappeared too. 

"You've chosen the Power of the Guardian. You've given up the Power of the Mystic. Is this the form you choose?" 

     I nodded, and then the three stone pedestals sank in the ground like they were on quicksand. After that, a stained-glass floor path appeared. There was nowhere else to go, so I followed the path. After few minutes later, it leads me to another stained-glass floor. This time it was mostly white, and it had a solemn feel to it, like rebirth. As I stepped off the path, it disappeared immediately, and then little black creatures with yellow eyes appeared from the floor. They started surging towards me. As I tried to block them, a bright light shone in front of me. A sword appeared on my hand, or I think it's a sword. It has a hilt, yes, but the blade has a weird curve. Now that I look at it closer it kind of looks like a key. I like it though. It kind of reminds me of a starry night. I just like starry nights. The darkness keeps me calm and relieves my stress from school. It's kind of weird, too. Most people prefer light more that darkness. I'm the opposite, but I don't mind them. People are different in their own ways. Everyone is unique. Everyone has a reason for being the way they are. 

     After looking at my sword, my mind was clear as day. Then, the voice spoke again for the last time. 

"You've gained the power to fight. And this is your power to survive. There will be times you have to fight. Keep your light burning strong." 

     I know what needs to be done, I need to fight. 

     Fighting was not an easy task. You have to strike them while they move around you and attempt to attack you at the same time. Luckily, it was all over. Who knew I can swing a sword. Now I can really defend myself, and yet I feel vanity inside me. I was never this lonely. I was always accompanied by my friends. But now, I was alone, no one by my side. 

     A bright light shone slowly from above. It was a warm and welcoming. After that, the light was all around me, covering me with its radiance, shining brightly at me. 

End of Chapter 2

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