Chapter 3: Hellos and Goodbyes

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     Was it all a dream...? 

     It felt so real... 

     I woke up from bed. I don't know what happened to me. All I remembered was the light engulfing me, and that's about it. My head hurts a lot now. At that time, a man who looked look like he was 40-50 years old walked up to me and sat on the side of the bed. "Ah, you're finally awake." The man was wearing what looks like a samurai outfit. The only metallic clothing he's wearing was a belt, the size of a championship belt, and shoes. The belt had a diamond cross with a pointy heart on top. I tried to get out of bed, but the pain was so intense, I had to sit down instead.  

     "You shouldn't move that much. You still haven't fully recovered" He said, coming to my aid. "What happened?" I muttered, still in pain.  

     "I found you lying on the floor, unconscious. Remarkably, you're almost at full strength. You were out for about 30 minutes or so. At least you're fine now." He explained. By the look of it, I think he has done this before. "I almost forgot. I am Master Eraqus." He said. "I'm Anthony. Thank you for aiding me." 

     I just realized, he mentioned me being unconscious for about 30 minutes. 30 MINUTES! That was roughly the same time that I was in that stained-glass floor, doing what that voice says, fighting for my life. But, how was that possible? It can't be. He said that I was here, resting. And yet, it all feels so real, like I really did it. Was it possible to be in two places at once? No, that can't be possible. Was it a spirit that looks like me doing it? It can't be, the fight felt so real. Was it all a dream? I'm getting really confused. All these questions are making me dizzy. 

     "You mentioned earlier that you were a master." I said. "Ah, yes. I have my Mark of Mastery as a keyblade wielder." He replied. After that, he showed me his keyblade. The blade looks like an "E". 'That looks familiar.' I though. I clutched my hand into a fist, like I was holding a sword. A beam of light shone from my hand. After that, the sword-thing I used before is back. But how could that be? All this time, I was resting. How could I have acquired this? Was I really resting? Was it all a dream? How could I be in 2 places at once? How was it possible? 

     "You seem to have a keyblade, too." He said. "So, this is a keyblade." I replied. Now that he mentioned it, it does kind of look like a key. It was surprisingly light, even though it was entirely made of steel. "since you're here, I can train you to use the full potential of your keyblade. Would you like that?" he suggested. I thought about it for a while. I think I do need training to be better, and I had nothing else to do, or any place to go. I said yes. 

     He was a good teacher. He taught me some techniques which were kind of difficult at first. I learned how to use magic, and how to handle a crowd. He gave me a piece of armour that fits my shoulder. He said it will coat me with armour when activated. He also mentioned me that the keyblade can become a ride that can take me to other worlds. 

     It was already night. I always go outside and go to the hills. I had a spot picked out under a tree. I felt calm seeing the night sky. The stars are shining brightly tonight, but no sign of the moon. I guess it must be a new moon tonight. As always, I was alone. I don't mind the cold breeze, it was soothing. It's been weeks since I left my world. Finally, I have escaped my pains, and my friend. I kind of miss them. 

     My Mark of Mastery exam will be in three days' time. At least I got time to practice on my own. I practiced day and night on my skills, practicing my techniques and magic. I really want to impress him. He was a great teacher, a great mentor. He took me in as his student. I have learned a lot from him. Now, I want to show him how much I've learned.  

     Today is the Mark of Mastery exam. I'm so nervous. Maybe I'll screw up, maybe I'll fail. The anxiety is killing me. But I have to do this. I need to prove to him that I have what it takes to be a master. The first test was not that hard as I've expected. They are just balls of light that attack from time to time. They move swiftly, though. I threw my keyblade at one of them and, like a boomerang, it returned at my hand, destroying three of the balls in the process. After a few minutes of fighting, it was all over. The second part of the exam was about to start, when he suddenly went outside. So not to disturb him, I peeked outside one of the windows. I saw him talking to someone. I think it was important. 

     *He was talking to a boy. He looks younger than me, and he might be his student, also. I think he's reasoning with him. After a while, he drew his keyblade at the boy and the boy backed away slowly. Suddenly, a guy with black and bronze armour swooped down and blocked the light-covered chains that were going to hurt the boy. The armour disappeared, revealing another boy. He was older than the first one. He looks like he was three years older than me. He also looks like he was his student, but something felt wrong. After a few statements, he and Eraqus fought. The young boy looks like he's begging them to stop fighting. After a few minutes, they stopped. Master Eraqus was now surrounded by a yellowish white aura. The older boy was saying something; I can't make it out though. While he was talking there was a black to blue aura around him along with a little black thunder. There was no doubt that was a dark impulse. After speaking, something appeared at his back. It looked kind of familiar, and then I realized, it was a portal. He can he do that? Then he shoved the boy in it and it immediately closed up. Then they started fighting again. 

     They fought for about half an hour, but I think the boy was winning. I kind of anticipated that, because of Master Eraqus' age. They both seem tired, but Eraqus was on his last legs. The boy was walked towards his Master, begging forgiveness, I think. While that was happening, and old, crooked man with pointy ears and a bald head appeared from out of nowhere and gave the final blow to Master Eraqus. He fell to the ground and disappeared into little balls of light floating up to the sky. His keyblade laid on the ground where he let it go. He's gone. 

     The bald guy and the boy talked a little, and then the bald guy summoned a void in the sky.* The whole place rumbled. I fell down a bunch of times. It felt a big earthquake. After a few seconds, a part of the building was taken. Luckily, I was at the middle of the building. The void took both ends of the building. After the few minutes of terror, it finally stopped. I went out to see how much damage is done. 1/4 of the floor from the outside was gone. There was rubble everywhere. And the building was still ok, except for the sides and windows. I went back inside to ease myself. 

     Where will I go now? I can't live here now. I tried to think what to do, and then I remembered something. There are other worlds, and the lanes between are opened. I did what I had to do; I left the place, finding a new world and help other. I don't know if I've earned my Mark of Mastery or not, but I have to go soon. I touched the armour at my shoulder and instantly, I was covered in blue and black armour. I pointed my keyblade at the sky, and it shot a light blue beam. A portal glowing light blue, black and green appeared to where the beam ended. I threw the keyblade to the sky and it turned itself into a hover board that looks like a skate board. It was hovering 10ft above ground. I got on it and flew toward the portal, and went on to find a new world. 

End of Chapter 3


*This part was hard to explain. But if you want to know what they are talking about, search the Story of Ventus and Terra of Kingdom Hearts: Birth by sleep, The land of departure 2.

*Reference: Kingdom Hearts: Birth by Sleep.

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