Chapter One

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Copyright © 2022 Savannah Dallas All Rights Reserved. No part of this story may be replicated, duplicated, or reproduced in any shape or form of any kind. Including Photocopying, recording, or any other mechanical forms or methods, unless given former written permission from the publisher/author except in the use of quotations in reviews or critiques and/or other noncommercial practices by copyright law. Authors Note: This story is the first that I will publish, it is very important to me seeing as it is the first story I've been able to write in months. Any vulgar, violent, or offensive language and comments will be reported and deleted immediately. I only want positive criticism. If you have nothing positive to say please do no comment. I edit almost always before publishing but if there are errors please point them out, again in a positive way, and I will fix them. Also please comment on the plot and characters, telling me what you think of them. Hope you all enjoy! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

I was sitting in the library working on a story for my creative writing class in my last hour free period when I noticed him. Brody Jameson was staring at me; he had this hungry look in his eyes that set my nerves on edge and caused shivers to dance up my spine, leaving my hair standing on end. I met his intent stare and felt my stomach flip over, nervously I picked a piece of lint off my hoodie. I looked back down at my notebook and pulled my sleeves down. When I looked back up Brody was still staring at me with that intense stare. Feeling uneasy I put my notebook and pen in my bag. I slowly pushed away from the table I'd been sitting at and made my way to the door, pausing once I actually reached the door. I sighed realizing I needed a new reading book. I could either walk back and find a book or I could go to Barnes and buy a book. I stood half turned contemplating between borrowing a book for free or spending money on a brand new book. I shrugged and turned around to see that once again Brody was staring at me. I gritted my teeth and hurried past the table he was sitting at. He had an open notebook in front of him that he wasn't paying an ounce of attention to, instead he was busy texting someone on his phone. As I passed he smirked at me causing my stomach to go into a frenzy. I mentally kicked myself for not choosing the wiser of my options and just going to Barnes and Noble. Once I reached my favorite area of the library I sighed in relief. I had entered my sanctuary. I loved our school's Library. It had three levels to it being the tallest area of the school. Most libraries are at the center of the school but seeing as our school had three buildings, the third being the library it was able to be multi-leveled. We had our main building which was where most classes were held and the new and old gyms were in there, as well as the cafeteria. The second building was our arts building and had the drama, choir, band, and art rooms. We also had a black room in the third floor of the art building for the schools photography class. I Snapped out of my daze and set my bag down on the couch that was in the far corner of the third floor, aka my sanctuary. I loved the third floor. It had several couches and bean bags for comfortable reading, I often spent my seventh period here, the perks of having a free hour. I wondered over to my favorite shelf and scanned through the books; all my favorite books and authors were on these shelves. I eyed my bag making sure it was still on the couch. I only sat on the back couch for two reasons. One: it was closer to the stairs so I could easily leave if need be, usually only when the bell rang, and two: it was a wraparound couch and no one ever came back here. I had finished looking at the books and had decided to see what new books she had when I felt his hands on my hips. He spun me around and without a single word backed me into the wall. Before I had time to respond his lips were on mine. At first I was too shocked to respond and my body had seemed to forget how to move, function, or breathe. Finally I regained my composure and pushed him away. "What the hell Brody?"

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