Chapter Six

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Copyright © 2022 Savannah Dallas All Rights Reserved. No part of this story may be replicated, duplicated, or reproduced in any shape or form of any kind. Including Photocopying, recording, or any other mechanical forms or methods, unless given former written permission from the publisher/author except in the use of quotations in reviews or critiques and/or other noncommercial practices by copyright law. Authors Note: This story is the first that I will publish, it is very important to me seeing as it is the first story I've been able to write in months. Any vulgar, violent, or offensive language and comments will be reported and deleted immediately. I only want positive criticism. If you have nothing positive to say please do no comment. I edit almost always before publishing but if there are errors please point them out, again in a positive way, and I will fix them. Also please comment on the plot and characters, telling me what you think of them. Hope you all enjoy! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

"I'm fine." Brody yells and I know the old Brody is back. The one that hates me. He pushes me away from him and storms out. Jaxon glares at me as if the fight was somehow my fault and turns around without saying a word. I burst into tears as I clean up the spilled drinks and put the cups and plates in the kitchen. I punch out at Eleven and slowly walk to my car. I know Keith will be home and probably have Alex and the guys over and the thought makes me shudder. When I reach my truck I'm slammed back and someone's lips are against mine. I can't see who it is because theres barely any light where I parked. I taste blood on his lips and know it must be Brody. I inhale his familiar scent and clutch onto his jacket.

"Brody?" I say quietly trying not to cry. "Will you please stay with me. I... I'm too scared to go home alone."

He doesn't say anything he just presses his lips back against mine and I can tell it hurts because of the way he winces. He holds his ribs and his breathing is ragged.

"Please, Brody." I say.

"Why? Why should I?"He grumbles.

I can't say. But I'll show you when we get to my house." I say. I know showing him my bruises could start another fight but its the only way to get him to stay with me.

"Fine." He growls. I never understand him. One minute he's starting a fight because people are treating me bad despite the fact that he's outnumbered and the next he's a total jerk to me.

"You have to drive me. I came here with Kyle."

"Okay." I whisper. I unlock the truck and Brody gets in. Once we get to my house I see Alex's car parked outside. I pull into the garage and turn the car off.

"Are you going to show me?" He grumbles wincing at the pain it causes in his side.

"I can't yet." I say getting out of the car. Brody follows me as I enter the kitchen and start to climb the stairs. I hurry up to my room grabbing Brody's hand when I hear Alex leaving. We rush into my room and I lock the door. I go into my closet and come out with my favorite pajama pants and my Hogwarts Alumni T-Shirt.

"What am I supposed to wear?" Brody Growls going back to his mean hateful self. "Ya know what I'll just walk home."

He starts towards the door but I stop him by grabbing his hand and attempting to pull him back. Once he's facing me I gently press my lips to his, like earlier the kiss starts out gentle but quickly turns hungry, and possessive. He backs me into the wall just outside my bathroom, lifting me up my shoes fall off as I wrap my legs around his waist. I tangle my fingers in his hair and moan slightly when he presses his lips to my neck.

"Emersyn." Keith calls from the other side of the door.

"Go away!" I yell.

" Em, can we please talk?" I tell brody to go to my closet and try to find some sweats and some of his clothes from a fling we had, had before.

I open my door and yell at Keith to go away and tell him there's nothing to talk about. After slamming the door in his face he yells that he knows Brody is in my room and is gunna tell Dad. I tell him to go ahead and walk over to my closet. Brody is sitting down holding his favorite pair of sweats. I know he'll probably just sleep in his boxers so he's probably gunna wear those tomorrow. I walk over to him and stand between his legs, he stands up and kisses me. He cups my face causing me to wince.

"Gravy?" He pauses, "What's wrong with your face?" I sigh and walk over to the bathroom. I grab my facewash and a wash cloth, cleaning my face I use the wash cloth to dry my face gently. Rage fills Brody and I see his knuckles turn white.

"I'm gunna kill him."He growls.

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