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Mark Adams P.O.V
*image is mark adams*

I wake up covered in sweat trickling down on my chest, I jolt my eyes wide open and then realise I'm late for college.

I quickly run towards the bathroom door and get changed into a fresh clean pair of clothes. I grab an energy drink and gulp the whole thing down, i don't have time for breakfast, which I hardly have any way. I run as fast as I can to the bathroom again and brush my teeth, then I have to get my f***ing bag, I grab my bag and run to my bike, I start it up and away I go. Soaring through the wind, I always love going on motorbikes it's been a thing since my childhood, Dad always used to take me on his bike and whenever i did i felt so free, It sounds kinda gay but i just loved it.

I reach to College finally.. and grab my books from my locker, shit I have Maths first and then Chemistry. The worst subjects ever.
As I am walking to my class I bash into someone and all there books drop down "MARK!!" Lea says looking at my angrily. "Lea" I say as a smirk appears on my mouth, "What the f**k are you doing here Lea, aren't you supposed to be in class?" I ask as she picks up all her books. "Well, I could ask you the same thing dickhead." she says as her smile becomes into a cheesy grin. Shit I hate it when she does that, It makes me want her even more.

Lea is in the same Maths and Chemistry class as me, she walks past me as she sways her hips walking towards the class, as I tag along. As we both enter, Mr Roberts our Maths teacher looks at us and asks "Where have you two been?" All the heads in our class turn right towards us, fu** now everyone will probably think we're dating. "Uhh we were just.." Lea says as her face turns bright pink. I have to continue or everyone will think we were actually together "Sir I just slept in and then Lea just appeared to come in the same time as me." Lea looks at me in surprise, Because I covered her up, I mean it wasn't really anything.
"Okay Lea and Mark please take your seat now" "Yes sir, I will make sure this won't happen again." Lea says heading towards her usual spot at the front. I walk to my spot at the back where I always sit.

As I take a seat I see Luke my best friend, "Eyy Mark what was that?" Luke says with a grin on his face.
"Nothing." I say trying to keep it cool, "Cmon, Dude we all know you have a thing for Lea!" Luke says with the biggest smirk on his face.
"No man and I'm never talking about this again." I say and elbow his arm.

The Bell rings and I head towards my locker with Luke following me. "Dude please tell me, We have been friends for 12 years you can trust me. So do you like Lea?"
I know Luke he never tells anyone my secrets especially about girls, So I knew I should tell him my biggest secret about liking Lea, Even though I tease her and annoy the crap out of her.. I love Lea.

And just at the moment when Luke mentioned If I like Lea, She f***ing walks near my locker and stands in front of us looking straight at me.

What will happen next? Hope you liked this chapter! Keep reading to find out what happens next :)
Love Olivia xx

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