Chapter 5

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Me and Andy try and sneak into class so Ms. Smith won't notice (she's an awesome teacher but absolutely hates tardiness) but being the totally graceful I am I trip just as soon I get in the door. She turns to look at me and I see Andy already in his desk "late again I see Mr.Cooke"

"Only slightly" I say with a stupid grin on my face, she looks over at the clock which says I'm almost 40 minutes late

"You're lucky I like you, now please take your seat"

"Yes mam" I take my seat next to jess and Ms. Frisbee starts teaching again

"Where were you guys at?" Jess asks me

"We got... Preoccupied on our way here"

"With what?"

"I'll tell you after class"

"just tell me now"

"I can't"

"Why not?"

"I'd rather tell you in private so the people around us don't think I'm mad" she opens her mouth to say something but the bell to release us interrupts her "meet me in my dorm" I get up and walk out of class. I make a beeline for my room avoiding the people around me because nothing seems important now except telling jess and going into another book.
I sit down on my bed, Mr. Crall's book is still in my hand, I actually look at it now and realize that it's "the maze runner". I've read this series once before and I really liked it. Jess bursts in the room and slams the door behind her

"Now tell me why the hell you and Andy were pretty much an hour late for class and why your clothes are dirty and torn up!" I look down at myself and see that she's right, I look back up at her sheepishly

"I hadn't realized I looked that bad. Just sit down and I'll tell you the whole story, but you can't interrupt me, its going to sound impossible but it's true" she sits down at my desk and looks at me intently "well it all started when this weird guy walked up to me and Andy-"


When I finish telling her everything she stares at my with her mouth slightly ajar "say something" I tell her. She closes her mouth and gets a determined look on her face

"If that whole story is true then show me some proof, I want to see this 'jumping' thing first hand"

"Ok you can come with me and Andy to go and get a kid out of this book" I hold up the maze runner "I'll go get him" I start walking towards the door but she grabs my arm

"No cmon just me and you we don't need Andy besides he's probably already in class" I crease my brow

"I guess you're right, ok just um let my try and give you the power, he didn't exactly explain how you give it to someone else" I put my hand on her head like he did and imagine me and her a blue energy inside of me and a portion going off into her

"Wow I feel great" she says

"Yeah it feels pretty amazing, have you read this book before?"

"I read the first book a few times but I never read the other two"

"I... think you'll be fine" there's a bookmark on chapter 6, that must be where Mr. Crall jumped out. I look over towards Jess "are you ready?" She smiles at me and grabs my hand

"Yeah let's go" I squeeze her hand for reassurance, start reading the beginning of the bookmarked chapter and we're sucked in with a flash of light

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