Chapter 6

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When the light from the jump fades I'm laying in the faint light of sunrise. I can see shadows of other people sleeping around me in their sleeping bags on a grassy field of the Glade. I see someone leaning over someone else's sleeping body. I panic for a few seconds but I think back into the story and remember that Newt woke Thomas up to show him the Grievers that lay in wait outside the maze.
I wait til they're far enough away to get up, I look around at all of the people laying around me searching for Jess which should be easy to find if she's here seeing as she would be the only girl here. None of the people around me were her, she probably would have woken up as soon as we got in here anyways so I get up and look for her all around the Glade. I couldn't find her anywhere.
The sun had risen higher in the artificial sky that WICKED had graciously supplied for us. Well if Jess isn't in the Glade she could only be in two other places, in the box traveling up to join the rest of us in this prison, or in the maze doing the best she could to survive Grievers. I stare at the towering stone walls of the maze hoping that the worst she has to deal with is the grimy metal elevator that brings everyone here.

"Hey mate what are you doing?" I turn and see Newt approaching me

"nothing much, just wandering around" I need to sneak into the maze. It shouldn't be a problem for a vampire, but I can't let them see me or there'll be an uproar about it.
"Hey Newt have you seen anybody new around here?" I regret saying this right after I say it. If he showed up here he would have had his own set part in here already, he wouldn't be new

"Yeah we got a new Greenie yesterday, I forgot you weren't there for it since you're officially a runner now. Congrats!" He claps me on the back

"Thanks man" I grin, this gives me a perfect excuse to go into the maze to look for both Jess and the lost jumper. The alarm starts blaring through the Glade. Newt looks over at me

"What's going on?" I look towards the direction of the box. I'm going to have to play dumb here

"I don't know, let's go find out" we walk over to the already gathering group around the box. The box is like an elevator that brings everybody up into the glade. I have to hope that Jess is in there with Teresa or she's in serious danger. Thomas and Alby walk towards us, while they talk I push my way through the crowd. I need to know she's safe, the doors to the box start to slide open slowly. I peer over the edge anxiously. Two figures are laying on the floor inside, I let out a sigh of relief and jump down inside.
I lean down next to the figure on the left who had brown hair which is laying over her face. Brushing it out of her face I can see her freckles. I pick her up and put my foot through the hole of the rope they lowered down. Trying to hold on to the rope and support Jess at the same time isn't very easy, even with my vampiric strength. When we're brought up all the way out of the box I lay her down on the ground and someone I don't recognize asks

"Why did you get to jump down there and save the girl? He chuckles "I called dibs" glaring up at him I respond

"I know her" the murmuring that was going through the crowd before suddenly stops. Then I'm immediately hit with dozens of questions from every direction.

"Who is she?"

"How do you know her?"

"Do you have your memories back?"

"Everyone shut up!!" Alby shouts and pushes to the front of the crowd "one of you shuck faces jump down there and get the other girl. And you" he looks towards me "take her to the infirmary" I nod my head slightly and start walking.

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