Meeting at the Daycare

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First and only Author's Note:

(N/N)= Nickname (F/N)= First Name (L/N)= Last Name (Y/N) = Your Name
(f/a)= favorite animal
(h/c)= hair color (h/l)= hair length (e/c)= eye color

~* The Past, Daycare *~

Sitting alone at a table, a green haired little boy with glasses on was playing with dough, a seemingly bored expression on his face. Everyday his parents would leave after they brought their son to the daycare, leaving him there to play with other kids and have fun. The only thing was, he didn't want to have fun or play with other kids.

He'd rather be sitting in his room to read a book instead of being forced to sit at a table, while playing with some dough. Hell, he didn't even liked playing with dough! And to try to play with the other children was a waste of time. They didn't like to read or play basketball, they couldn't even draw without crossing the lines of their coloring books.

So as a result, he refused every request from the kids that wanted to play with him and kept to himself. After some time the other children stopped talking to him, so now he was alone. Personally, he thought he was better of that way anyway. He could now read books without being disturbed by these kids.

The green haired boy, in the age of four, put the dough away, walking to a book shelf, with a little plush frog in his right hand. His eyes searched for an interesting book and once he found one, his little hand stretched out to grab it. When the boy held it in his hand he walked over to a beanbag in a corner of the room, sat down and began to read.

Every once in a while, he scanned the room and huffed at how some kids who spended their time with foolish games, like Monopoly. Why would they do something like that when they could read a book or train how to multiply numbers with each other?

He really couldn't understand.

Shaking his head he let his gaze wander back to the words in the book, reading quietly to himself, he slowly got lost in the fictional world of the book, forgetting the world around him. At the same time, a little girl in the same age entered the room of the daycare group, excited about the new enviorment.

Big, cheerful (e/c) eyes scanned the room, looking at every kid with a big grin on the lips, wanting to be friends with everyone. Her (h/c) locks waving lightly around while she turned her head in all directions. Yes, (Y/N) was full of life. And of course her mother knew that. Looking at her little daughter getting so excited, the woman chuckled and patted her head.

"(N/N) my dear, do you want to go ahead and meet some of the kids?", your mother asked, smiling down at you. With a rapidly nodding of your head, your mother laughed a bit and then let you go to play, while she were talking to the educator. Standing in the middle of the room you looked around, a little plush (f/a) in your arm, searching for someone who you hoped to be nice to you during your first day.

After some time your eyes landed on a boy who was sitting in a beanbag all by himself, reading. He had glasses on his nose, green hair and some cute-looking plush frog next to him. 'Alright, he's the one!', you cheered in your head and walked over to the boy.

When you finally stood in front of him you smiled at him. "Hello!", you exclaimed happily and waited for the boy to respond. The boy looked up from his book and adjusted his glasses, before he answered. "What do you want?", he asked, sounding annoyed. You smiled at him again and held your hand out for him to shake it.

"My name is (F/N) (L/N), I'm new here and hope that we can be friends, nice to meet you!", you said and looked at him, ready to shake his hand when he took yours. But the boy only huffed and looked at the book again. "If this was everything, go away, I want to read."

KnB - Midorima x Reader - Best (Girl)FriendWhere stories live. Discover now