You know she's the one...

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You know she's the one...

"Shinta-kun~!", you hummed and hugged him when you saw him in your living room. It was Sunday once again and that meant, that you were completley alone with Midorima, or how you should call him, Shintarou. It was just like he promised some weeks ago. You two would meet and then do something what you liked to do when you were kids. Even when Haruka knew it and said that he should stop it, Midorima didn't listen to her and visited you.

The two of you were getting closer to each other gradually.
Closer than best friends.

It was funny, really. The two of you first only touched the other on the arm to get their attention, which turned into holding hands at some point. Than you started to intervene your arms when no one looked (because of Midorima's tsundere-self) and when you were completley alone, you two would cuddle while reading books, talking or watching a movie. There were also some kisses, but only on the forehead, cheek or head, much to your dismay. You were longing for a real kiss, some times there were really good chances where you could do it, but decided against it for two reasons.

1. Because he was still with Haruka
2. Because every sign he gave could be meant only in a friendly way

So to be on the good side you held yourself back. And you did it all the time, even now. "Why didn't you tell me that you were here already?", you asked and pouted at him. "I thought that it wasn't necessary.", he explained shortly and pushed his glasses up. You rolled your eyes a bit and then looked around confused.

"Eto... Shinta-kun, who let you in?", you asked him, knowing that your parents weren't at home and your brother was with a friend. "Your mother told me there was a spare key under the plant pot, so I used it, nanodayo." "Ah, alright that explains it..." "And she said we shouldn't do any stupid things while we're alone." "S-She did what?!", you screamed and blushed a bright red, facepalming at your mother's antics.

Midorima kept his straight face on and looked at you blankly.

"She said we shouldn't do anything stupid. Did you do something last time you were alone?"

Cueing you to sweatdrop.

"Shinta-kun... think about it again in a... perverted way..."


Cueing Midorima looking like a tomato.

"Yep, now you understood it.", you said and blushed yourself, but not as hard as he was. "Well, that a side... What are we doing today?", you asked your friend and sat down on the couch, looking up at Midorima. The tall teen thought about it. He wasn't in the mood to go out, espically after he saw how some guys looked at you with lustful eyes. Who do they think they are? Looking at you like that! Midorima was sure that he would punch the next guy who did this right in the face.

"How about watching (f/m)? I am pretty sure that you have it on DVD, since you're so obsessed with it.", he suspected with a sly grin. You glared lightly at him before sticking your tounge out. "Says the guy who's obsessed with Oha Asa!" "That wasn't really mature of you and Oha Asa is, unlike your movie, a serious matter." "Oooohhh, you didn't say that right now!", you almost screamed and pointed a finger at him, obviously offended by his comment.

Again he smirked slyly. "Hmpf. You know really well that I did say it, nanodayo.", the green haired male sat down next to you and put his lucky item, a red rose, down on the table in front of you.

"So? Are you turning on the T.V or what?", he asked rather bluntly and looked at you. With a little smile, you shooked your head and stood up to turn on the T.V, putting (f/m) on. Smiling you walked upstairs and heared Midorima call you from downstairs. "Oi, (Y/N), what are you doing-nodayo?", you giggled lightly and took the plush blanket from your bed and walked down again, sitting down next to your friend.

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