You know she relies on you...

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You know she relies on you...

Humming to yourself the melodie of your favorite song while you walked to school with Takao, Midorima and Haruka. It was Monday, which meant that Midorima and you were alone the whole day yesterday. You still were happy about it and couldn't stop smiling, so you walked around with a hundred watts smile that sure as hell was a strong competition for the sun.

Laughing a bit, Takao put an arm around you. "You're smiling so happily, (N/N)-chan, mind telling me what the reason is~?", he asked and nudged your sides, earning a soft giggle from you. "Oh, it's because what happened yesterday, no biggie~", you sang and hugged Takao from the side, catching him of guard.

"Woah, whatever happened yesterday must have been really awesome, I didn't saw you this happy since three month.", the dark-haired basketball player stated surprised as he watched how you hummed your favorite song again.

Takao smiled softly. You had such a beautiful smile, it was a shame that you didn't had it on your face every day, but now it was back again. And it was even more beautiful than before.

Midorima eyed the scene with a small, barley noticeable, smile on his lips. Sunday was sure fun with you and it made him happy to see you so lucky about it. "I bet it has to do something with a guy! Who is it (Y/N)-chan, tell meeee~!", Haruka whined and clung onto Midorima's arm a bit firmer. The tall teen sighed and tried to get his arm free, but without success. Giggling you walked to Haruka and started to tell her about yesterday.

"Well, you're right, it is because of a boy. We met yesterday and spent the whole day together, it was so much fun~!"

~* Flashback; Yesterday *~

"Good morning~!", you sang and danced in the living room where your parents sat on the couch, watching the news. Happily you walked into the kitchen and got something to eat and drink. Your mother giggled at you while your father looked confused. "Did I miss something?", he asked and looked back and forth between your mother and you. "Oh honey, don't you know it? Our dearie has a date with Midorima today~", she hummed and giggled when she heared how you screamed from the kitchen.

"It is not a date mum!", you yelled at her and came out of the kitchen. "He just promised me that we would see each other every Sunday since I miss the old days so much.", you explained and sat down to eat your breakfast.

Your mother giggled. You could tell her that this wasn't a date and that you were alright with it all you wanted, but your red face showed that you'd like the idea of having a date with your long time crush. "Of course it isn't, you're absoluteley right hun." "Thank you!" "And what are you going to wear?", your eyes widened at the question.

You didn't thought about it until now.

You thought it was alright to wear something normal; not too girly nor too boyish, not too elegant and not too casual, just something normal. Like a t-shirt, jeans, normal shoes and a jacket if it was going to be cold. But now you weren't sure anymore if 'normal' was going to be alright.

"I... I'm going in my room.", you said, shot up from your seat and ran up your room, making your mother laugh and your father facepalm. "Darling, why did you ask her that?", he asked and shook his head when he heared coat hanger meeting the floor of your room. "What? It's a normal question to ask before she goes on her date." "IT'S NOT A DATE!"

Your mother sweat dropped when you and your dad screamed that in simultaneously at her.

Up in your room, you were tearing your closet apart to find a good outfit. Even when it wasn't a date, you had the urge to dress yourself fine, so Midorima would see that you weren't only his best friend, but also a real woman.

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